1. 类人猿 由於东非大裂谷附近出土很多类人猿(homininS)的化石,於是人类学家在思考为什麽此区域会形成或保留如此众多的化石呢? … biologicalfreak.blogspot.com|基于5个网页 2. 人族存在者 ...相互造成的),但其中的大多数都痊愈了,“证明在这种人族存在者(hominins)中有社会协助。”[5]这就让人可以去推测,...
Hominins 添加到生词本 用户正在搜索 chunks,chunky,chunleimeisu,chunnel,chunter,chupatty,Chupin,chuppah,Chuppie,Chuppy, 相似单词 3G,401(K),a, 用户正在搜索 churidars,churinga,churl,churlish,churn,churn out,churndasher,churn-dasher,churner,churning,...
hominins的翻译为“人科动物”或“人类祖先(包括现代人类及其已灭绝的近亲)”。 这个词通常用于科学研究中,指代包括现代人类在内的一系列人科成员。例如,在古人类学的研究中,科学家们会探讨不同hominins的进化历程、行为特征以及它们与现代人类之间的关系。 请问还有其他需要翻译的内容吗?
The various evolutionary ancestors at the separation of human and ape lineages. They includeHomo,Australopithecus, and the more ancientParanthropusandArdipithecus. By some definition hominins include primates up to human lineage and the associated subfamilies ofPanandGorillahominidae,pongidae; Underdown ...
Around 400,000 years ago, early humans hunted beavers as a food resource and possibly also for their pelts. This is the conclusion of a team from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU), the Leibniz Zentrum für Archäologie (LEIZA), also in Mainz, a... hunting beavers homininsRecommend...
Hominins的大脑在飞速变大,从2百万年前到1百万年前的期间内,长大了一倍。关于为什么会长大得这么快,有两个nonmutually exclusive的假说: 1,是人类学家Leslie Aiello和Peter Wheeler在1995年提出的:吃肉。吃素的动物,肠子很长,因为植物难消化,吃肉的动物的肠子就短多了。而肠子也是非常消耗能量的,肠子的组织经常更新...
These earliest hominins lack derived features found in later hominins, and their inclusion in the hominin lineage is largely based on a reduction in canine size, absence of theC/P3 honing complex, and the presence of morphological adaptations for habitual or obligate bipedality generally fou...
單詞和短語的意思 包含"Hominins"的句子的意思 Q:"Thehomininsat Jebel Irhoud looked like us, but their brains were different. It's too much to process."是什麼意思 A:Ok 查看更多回答 有關單詞和短語的意思和用法 be brain different Irhoud ...
Here we ask whether hominins also follow the pattern of diversity-dependent diversification that characterizes many other vertebrate clades. More specifically, we ask: were hominins characterized by negative diversity-dependent speciation and positive diversity-dependent extinction?