It is one of >50 examples (within 22 geographically distinct areas) in Africa and the Middle East where evidence of groundwater systems co-exist with hominin and/or archeological remains. Springs are commonly localized features of limited area within a landscape, but provide ecological continuity ...
examples in Table 5, Table 6, plus Warren Hill, Highlands Farm, Valdoe, Kent's Cavern, Abbeville, Miesenheim, and Kärlich G; see also Ashton, 2015). Table 5. Winter and summer temperature estimates for Early and Middle Pleistocene British and German sites (with selected present day ...
Figure 1 (Upper half) location of Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania and images of the PTK (left) DS (center) and FLK Zinj (left) sites during excavation. (Lower half) several examples of cut marked humerus and radius shafts from DS. (a) Cranio-lateral side of a radius midshaft fragment, (b...
Canidae have some of the best-known examples of social organization of all mammals (e.g., the grey wolf,C. lupus46). Probably less known, yet interesting is the case of the African hunting dogs. This hypercarnivore species display a more complex and peculiar set of behaviour, unique among...
Describe three different types of herbivore digestive systems, and give examples of the animals using them. a. Foregut fermentation b. Hindgut fermentation With long colon and With short colon What is a groups of individuals that belong...
Give three examples. 36. What is necessary for evolution, a change in a population or species over several generations, to occur? A. Genetic variation response to stimuli B. Metabolism and mutations C. Differential survival and homeostasis D. Genetic variation...
The taphonomic analysis of the site adds more information to human predatory behaviors as documented in other Middle Pleistocene sites and is one of the best examples of hunting documented in the Middle Pleistocene European archaeological record. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Dominguez-...
Ewass Oldupa is a high-resolution, multi-episode, early Oldowan stratified site that precedes and straddles Bed I. This site holds Oldupai’s oldest evidence for hominin cultural remains associated with habitats from post volcanic disturbance and thus early examples of adaptation to major geomorphic...
Four examples of innate immunity genes presenting strong signals of positive selection, including (A) the TLR6-1-10 gene cluster in CEU, (B) IFIH1 in YRI, (C) MERTK in CHB, and (D) ZFPM2 in YRI. The black curves delineate the proportions of outlier SNPs (i.e., SNPs with the 1%...
Moreover, whatsoever the direction of the external grip force, results tend to show that, when CMC-V can be flexed (10° in our examples), muscle forces are lower for a given amount of external force (Fig. 5). Those two phenomena are linked to the complex interaction of muscle moment ...