In Towards a Definition of the Aurignacian (eds Bar-Yosef, O. & Zilhão, J.) 147–171 (Instituto Português de Arqueologia, 2006). Google Scholar Bachellerie, F., Bordes, J.-G., Morala, A. & Pelegrin, J. Etude typo-technologique et spatiale de remontages lithiques de Canaule ...
Regional climate variability of the past ~620 kyr has been recorded in shifts between two principal lacustrine sedimentary facies of the CHB cores (Fig.2and Extended Data Figs.1and2). Facies 1 is a blue-green or grey clayey silt, reflecting anoxic conditions at the sediment/water interface ...
Fig. 1: Map of CHB basin and its location. a, Location of the CHB basin within the East African Rift System with major climatic influences, key archaeological and palaeoanthropological sites, marine and terrestrial records and the main northern route for later dispersals ofH. sapiensas discussed...
To be honest, we find our own (implicit) definition of language (or of the language faculty) not ideologically-loaded: a cognitive device that allows us to arrange set of symbols in specific ways to convey composite meanings that are put in use for fulfilling different functions (thinking, ...
Biological species concept: This is the most commonly used definition of a "species," whereby populations of organisms are determined to belong to the same species if their members interbreed and produce viable offspring. Cladogenetic: adjective referring to evolution through splitting events. If a ...
The origin of Homo sapiens remains a matter of debate. The extent and geographic patterning of morphological diversity among Late Middle Pleistocene (LMP) African hominins is largely unknown, thus precluding the definition of boundaries of variability in
Russell H. Tuttle is an active Professor of Anthropology, Evolutionary Biology, History of Science and Medicine and the College at the University of Chicago. He conducted pioneering functional morphological... Russell Howard Tuttle Fact-checked by ...