Sunday Homily: Pope Francis, Jesus and David Brooks on Wealth RedistributionMike RivageSeul
The term "homily", which we will consider the synonym of "preach" (Christian lecture), comes from the Eline language having an initial meaning of gathering, reunion, link or conversation, dialogue, interlocution, group or crowd discussion. The rhetorical construction of masculinity POPE Francis mar...
Sunday Homily: Pope Francis to Women: The Next Pope Should Be One of You!Mike RivageSeul
of the same or a similar kind or nature being the same throughout a culturally homogenous neighborhood homogenatenoun a product of homogenizing homo1 of 2noun any of a genus of primate mammals that includes all human beings alive today and extinct related species ...
Reflection for Monday, December 8, 2014: Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary, Solemnity.. Just a few days ago Pope Francis, in his daily homily, preached about the same pattern we can see stretched between the first and last readings on today's ... PSJ Gilger - 《University Minis...
into consideration the difficulties it has perceived as well as more and more frequent weakness of the homily, attended to this problem by convening, at the wish of the Pope, the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. T... ...
‘Do Not Be Afraid, Open Wide the Doors to Christ’ — we hear constantly today, in the Church led by Pope Francis, as an invitation to authenticity of life and of the Christian spirit, and to recognize Christ’s presence in the Church and in our b...
It mentions the conflict, differences and clash elements of the culture language. Moreover, the request of Pope Francis for narcissism and self-referentiality of the church are also mentioned.DeckProfessorAllanProfessorFigueroaProfessorEBSCO_AspNew Theology Review...
Carroll, James
Mike RivageSeul