Pope Francis, during a rare interview from the Vatican, urged acceptance, saying, "The Gospel is for everyone." May 19, 2024 Pope Francis says "peace is never made with weapons" at Easter Sunday mass Due to health concerns, Pope Francis had skipped the Palm Sunday homily last week an...
Pope Francis' Homily forFirst Vespers of the Solemnity of the Holy Mother of Godand Te Teum of Thanksgiving for 2024St. Peter's Basilica - Tuesday, 31... Posts pagination 12…15Next The Pope Speaks end of November 2024 Edition
In his homily delivered in Kossuth Square in front of Parliament, the pope said “Let us try to be – in our words, deeds and daily activities – like Jesus, an open door: a door that is never shut in anyone’s face, a door that enables everyone to enter and experience the beauty ...
Pope Francis directed his homily to all Indonesians, telling them it is not necessary to be a perfect Catholic nor to have great projects. But it is important to be humble and to face failures with courage. POPE FRANCIS Do not grow weary of setting out to sea. Do ...
After a homily or sermon delivered by Pope Gregory I on Sept. Who was Mary Magdalene? Until now, much of the assessment of Pope Gregory I's life and work has been piecemeal, seeing his massive urban "political" work (in shoring up an increasingly destitute, starving, war-ravaged Rome in...
Homily, available at https://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2013/documents/papa-francesco_20130708_omelia-lampedusa.html (last accessed on 2 March, 2018). Pope Pius XI (1937) Mit brennender Sorge [With burning concern]. Encyclical, available at http://w2.vatican.va/content/pius...
Francis largely stuck to script at the Mass but again skipped much of his prepared homily, continuing the improvisation that has characterized his five-day trip to Portugal to preside over the Lisbon edition of World Youth Day. Early on in his 10-year papacy, Fran...
In his homily, the pope said that the placing of ashes on the forehead is a reminder that although humanity is merely dust in the earth, it can also become something wondrous "if we allow ourselves to be shaped by the hands of God." ...
In his homily, Pope Francis returned to a common theme since his arrival in Mexico: Show more AdvertisementFeb. 16, 2016 11:10 AM PT Share Thousands of troops are providing security for the pope in Michoacan The security forces are ready for anything here in Morelia #...