» MORE: What pit bull owners should know about home insurance 9. Wind damage in hurricane-prone states In most parts of the U.S., a standard homeowners insurance policy covers wind damage. But if you live along the Atlantic or Gulf coasts, where hurricane risk is highest, you may need...
Pit bulls Presa Canarios Rottweilers Siberianhuskies Staffordshire terriers Wolf hybrids The breed restriction, however, doesn’t apply to those in Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, or Virginia. For these states, coverage would only be denied if your dog...
In fact, some homeowners insurance companies will go so far as to not insure homes with certain dog breeds or, at best, exclude breeds like Rottweilers, German shepherds, and pit bulls from coverage. Although this might seem unfair, dog bite liability claims cost insurers a lot of money: ...
Insurer sued over claim it refuses to cover disabled homeowners who have pit bulls as service dogsMartha NeilAba Journal
Homeowners insurance covers dog bites in most instances, but there are exceptions. Your liability coverage will determine your protection.