“I gotta meet up with somebody today who’s homeless and try to help him get into housing,” Ruffin said of a Skid Row client. “I also did that on Friday. I gotta help somebody, every day...I got my own problems, but I’m fortuna...
The number of homeless people has spiked since the COVID-19 pandemic, but city efforts to crack down on camping, loitering and panhandling predate the public health crisis. Between 2006 and 2019, there was a sharp increase in the number of citywide bans on camping (up 92%), sitting or l...
That includes homelessness. I’ve come to recognize those without housing security. And although I’ve never stopped to ask their stories, I’ve wondered. I wonder if they have enough food, where they sleep, why they are homeless. And I wonder, what are we as a community doing to help...
DESC provides low-barrier shelter, housing, and health care to some of Seattle’s most vulnerable homeless folks, and has been at the vanguard of the housing-first response to homelessness for decades; the nonprofit’s 1811 Eastlake project, which remains the only housing in Seattle explicitly ...
Project RoomKey originated during the COVID-19 crisis as an effort to prevent the spread of the virus among LA’s homeless population by utilizing vacant motel rooms. The project benefitted motel owners by allowing them to make up for lost revenue due to the pandemic by temporarily housing ho...
Kuderer said the office would identify new permanent housing or shelter options and offer them to people living in WSDOT rights-of-way before removing people from where they are—“meeting people where they’re at” and connecting them with services and resources. ...
Modeling the impact of COVID-19 on future tuberculosis burden Article Open access 29 June 2022 Introduction In England in 2015, 5,758 TB cases were notified1, of which 4.4% had a history of homelessness1. In that year, the prevalence of resistance to at least rifampicin (RIF) or both...
York City suburbs of Westchester County. They rapidly became NIMBYs, vehemently opposing affordable housing in their neighborhoods. Many were Clinton Democrats. They went on to plant “Black Lives Matter” signs in their lawns. The message was hollow: We support you; just don’t li...
February 19, 2021 Could canceled homeless count in Santa Clara County affect funding? Because the count relies solely on volunteers’ observations, it’s impossible to have an accurate tally of how many people are actually experiencing homelessness across Santa Clara...