PEOPLE EXPERIENCING HOMELESSNESSPREVALENCEMORTALITYOUTBREAKSSHELTERSHEALTHHomeless individuals are at greater risk of death due to social inequalities during Covid-19 pandemic. Strategies taken for general population to prevent the spread of Covid-19, such as social distance, staying at home, and ...
The coronavirus pandemic is likely to kill more than 3,400 people experiencing homelessness across the United States, according tonew estimates from researchersat Boston University, the University of Pennsylvania and UCLA. Further, the virus could hospitalize some 21,295 people who don't have housin...
Youth homelessness is a growing crisis in the United States that is associated with a range of adverse outcomes. A variety of social service programs exist
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted people experiencing homeless, though estimates remain unknown and highlights a need for more inclusive data.
Jatin Rastogi5 and Binta Sultan7 Abstract Aims People experiencing homelessness (PEH) have been identified as being increasingly susceptible to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), with policies enacted to test, isolate, increase hygiene practices and prioritise vaccines among this populati...
The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to kill more than 3,400 people experiencing homelessness across the United States, according to new estimates from researchers at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, Boston University and the University of Pennsylva
The pandemic then caused a strain on existing homelessness resources, with some shelters having to reduce services or close due to public health and physical distancing rules. Now, with women feeling a disproportionate economic impacts from COVID-19, particularly those who are from racia...
This paper presents data from a recent cross-sectional survey of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) in the US, to understand changes in sexual behavior and access to HIV prevention options (i.e. condoms and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)) during the COVID-19 loc...
"The association of homelessness with COVID-19 re-infection may be a result of increased exposure to SARS-CoV-2 due to the difficulty of complying with COVID-19 health recommendations, like social distancing and mask usage," said Sagar, MD, also an associate professor of medicine and microbi...
A relatively large number of media reports point to existence-threatening situations for prostitutes and other sex workers resulting from brothel closures and bans on body-related services, which, due to the lack of reserves in most cases, lead to acute poverty and homelessness (Döring & Walter...