Senior HUD official:HUD requires as part of a national competition for homeless assistance that communities conduct a point in time count at least every other year at the end of January. So we have a national sense as to the extent and nature of homelessness. Virtually every community chooses...
Some U.S. cities are building housing, called “micro communities,” that is meant to combat increasing homelessness. The housing units in these communities are small and built quickly.一些美国城市正在建设名为“微社区”的住房,旨在应对日益严重的无家可归现象。这些社区的住房单元很小并且建造迅速。Unl...
DESC provides low-barrier shelter, housing, and health care to some of Seattle’s most vulnerable homeless folks, and has been at the vanguard of the housing-first response to homelessness for decades; the nonprofit’s 1811 Eastlake project, which remains the only housing in Seattle explicitly ...
Under the Road Home, the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) heavily resources NGOs to provide mandatory “support services” of highly questionable value to clients. Services include much “counselling” and “training” which in practice burden clients with time and travel commitments an...
Ever hear the media blame Reagan-era housing assistance program cuts for the explosion of homelessness? You could be the first. Or how about New York's absurdly high rents? Or is paying $4,000 a month for a broom closet in the Big Apple just Newton's Fourth Law? Franklin Graham, ...
I am very happy that I am not a politician, because then I would have to pretend as they do they these homeless are all poor unfortunates who need to be placed in public housing. That’ll work for some of them, the roughly 50% who really just need a place to bed downand are willi...
He purrs loudly, strongly, breathing and purring. I can’t sleep to his constant machine of a purr, but somehow it comforts me. I will miss this purr, this beautiful soul, this survivor, this brave cat that has endured so much.Continue readingMy Elderly Cat – Signs the End is Near...
The temporary center has the capacity to house 200 people. As of Wednesday evening, 131 people were staying there, said Bart Farmer, the president of Workforce Group, a company that specializes in post-disaster assistance and is operating the site. ...
The Jericho Project, a local social service agency has received a $5,447,289 grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs’ for its “Supportive Services for Veteran Families” program. It offers direct financial assistance to veterans to negotiate co...
They offer residents case management, counseling, mental health and substance abuse therapy, housing guidance and assistance obtaining anything from vocational skills training to a new pair of dentures. “We’re able to meet every level of the hierarchy of needs — from security and shelter, ...