Senior HUD official:HUD requires as part of a national competition for homeless assistance that communities conduct a point in time count at least every other year at the end of January. So we have a national sense as to the extent and nature of homelessness. Virtually every community chooses...
Homelessness in Our Community Homelessness is a critical issue in our community that requires everyone’s attention and poses a danger to our society and its ability to succeed. In this paper, I'll present ideas about the causes of homelessness, assistance programs for the homeless and organiza...
This culture of hegemonic masculinity can serve to exacerbate pathways to homelessness and experiences of homelessness through men not seeking assistance emotionally or practically when needed. Aaron’s situation escalated to crisis before emergency supports via the local hospital were made available to ...
Are there ways to not be homeless? I work alongside the homeless and know many of them by name. Most are calloused by the hardships of life and people's indifference, but they are all very much alive, and they're here to stay.
In California, Governor Newsom recently introduced the CARE Act, which stands for Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment Act. The bill is described here: “People living with a serious, untreated mental illness could be referred for a court-ordered care plan that would, afterpsychiatric...
“Because of this problem with the unhoused we can’t raise rent, or businesses will for sure leave. We are losing a lot of money, we are close to breaking even,” Garza told San José Spotlight. Garza said she sympathizes with the homeless and turned to the city for assistance. Clean...
4. People who can’t survive the modern world without assistance Specifically, the kind of assistance money can’t buy. This covers a wide range. On one end, Julia Wise has talked about certain prisoners she worked with who did fine in the military or in prison, where someone else provide...
Such stories about people who defraud government assistance programs are compelling and memorable because they confirm preconceived biases about recipients. We talk about why such stories spread so easily and how they are spread. While contemporary legends are often told in third person, welfare legends...
Unlike elementary and secondary school students, whose families can get some support from things like federal free breakfast and lunch programs, for college students much of that assistance dries up. Goldrick-Rab says whenever she tells people about the problem of homeless stud...
Finally, the Coalition on Human Needs helps you tell your Congressfolk to increase, not cut, investment in housing assistance. These guys, I tell you – they don’t want any immigrants to come in unless their presence cuts wages for everyone, and they don’t want to help anyone stay out...