I am trying to pair HA with an Eve Light Switch through the Homekit integration. I have already successfully paired one device via the bluetooth adapter so I know that the device is supported. Since then I have disabled the bluetooth adapter and rely purely on bluetooth proxies via ESP32. ...
However, one of my locks is too far away so I got an Atom M5 Stack as a bluetooth proxy via esphome addon/integration. The proxy device is literally right next to the lock so it's not a range issue but I'm getting the generic error 133 What version of Home Assistant Core has the ...
Gets the assistant that will be used to configure the shortcut bar. (Inherited from UIResponder) InputView Custom view to display when the object becomes the first responder. Read-only. (Inherited from UIResponder) InputViewController Gets the custom UIInputViewController to display when th...
Sign UpSign In We're GitHub, the company behind the npm Registry and npm CLI. We offer those to the community for free, but our day job is building and selling useful tools for developers like you. Take your JavaScript development up a notch ...
First, you add a client and specify an arbitrary string as its "Identifier", for instance, my-iphone. On the client device you can now configure: DNS-over-HTTPS: https://example.org/dns-query/my-iphone DNS-over-TLS: tls://my-iphone.example.org (requires a Wildcard certificate) DNS...
Home Assistant core: 2022.3.0 Home Assistant companion app: latest (2022.3.0-full) Access to HA is via nginx + frp Network Structrue -Dynamic IPs, CloudFlare & Nginx Proxy + frp domain->CloudFlare->Nginx Proxy Manager on vps server -> frp server on vps server <--> frp client on pi ...
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I REALLY want to love Home Assistant. I’ve tried it, left it, tried it, left it and now will leave it again. Perhaps in a year, I’ll try it again. I’ll dust off and spark up my Rasberry Pi, re-flash the latest version and see what’s changed. ...
The sensor kit includes the Xiao ESP32-C3 module as its brain. The module supports both WiFi and Bluetooth communication, thus unlocking applications of the Internet of Things. Thanks to Seeed Studio’s pre-loaded firmware, the module is compatible with Home Assistant, the well-known smart hom...
Open your Home Assistant dashboard and go to the more Settings menu.Open Configure UI:Add a new card to your Dashboard:Pick a card of the type Picture.In the Image URL field, enter your ESP32-CAM IP address. Then, click the “SAVE” button and return to the main dashboard. ...