Click“LOGS & CONSOLE”to check if the Bluetooth proxy starts properly. It should look something like this: While this is happening, your Home Assistant will discover the new device and all you need to do is confirm the configuration and assign it to an area (optional). The GL-S10 device...
一款使用esp32以太网,接入Home Assistant的网关,目前ha官方正朝着蓝牙的方向发展,支持越来越多的传统蓝牙设备了,暂不支持蓝牙mesh
However, one of my locks is too far away so I got an Atom M5 Stack as a bluetooth proxy via esphome addon/integration. The proxy device is literally right next to the lock so it's not a range issue but I'm getting the generic error 133 What version of Home Assistant Core has the ...
Looking at the supervisor logs you see the errors mentioned. Including "[supervisor.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API error: Cannot proxy websocket message of unsupported type: 8" Anything in the Supervisor logs that might be useful for us? 24-02-02 09:07:29 INFO (MainThread) [supervi...
HACS是一款优秀的 Home Assistant 集成商店,然而国人想要使用它下载插件或前端卡片却困难重重,主要原因就是国内的网络环境。 本项目使用了ghproxy.cn和fastgit.org提供的Github镜像服务,可以让大家更快的下载商店里的插件。 项目地址:中文介绍: ...
If you want to continue to use your Raspberry Pi for other functions instead of just Home Assistant, you can always use the Docker container. However, there are some drawbacks of using Docker to run Home Assistant. Installing Ubuntu Server to the Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Proxy Server using ...
homeassistant nginx 配置 继上篇文章Launcher进程的启动,我们继续分析Home界面的启动。 public final class ActivityThread { ... public static final void main(String[] args) { SamplingProfilerIntegration.start(); Process.setArgV0(""); Looper.prepareMainLooper...
Home Assistant core: 2022.3.0 Home Assistant companion app: latest (2022.3.0-full) Access to HA is via nginx +frp Network Structrue -Dynamic IPs,CloudFlare& Nginx Proxy + frp domain->CloudFlare->Nginx Proxy Manager on vps server -> frp server on vps server <--> frp client on pi 3b+...
Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, and Alexa, which are conversational assistants, enabling the control of devices using speech. A summary of the capabilities of these applications is presented in Table 6.1. Among these applications, there are those that are more generic and can, therefore, integrate...