1. 整体医学 整体医学(holisticmedicine)认为我们的身体只是自我表达的一种层面;情感、心理与灵性是整个能量系统的其他层面,每一 … blog.sina.com.cn|基于16个网页 2. 整体治疗 整体治疗(HolisticMedicine) 新纪元的医术繁多,尤其注意饮食、情绪和生活的方式,他们相信预防比治疗重要,这一点是对 … ...
quack medicine假药 相似单词 holisticadj. 1. 整体的;全面的 2.【医】功能整体性的 ♦ holistic approach 整体分析 medicinen. 1.[C,U]药,内服药 2.[U医学;医术;内科学 3.[C,U]【喻】良药 4.[U](原始民族迷信的)符咒,巫术,魔力 v. [T] 1.给...服药;用药物治疗 ...
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person – body, mind, spirit, and emotions – in the quest for optimal health and wellness. According to the holistic medicine philosophy, you can achieve the best possible health by gaining proper balance in life. Holistic medicin...
有病,所谓整体医学Holistic Medicine 原是一种西方替代医学、一种骗术;樊代明院士搞的整体医学加了中医元素,猪屎加牛屎而已。樊搞了几届整体医学大会,数千医学院士、专家参会捧场,这是中国医学及其教育的羞耻。 @波子哥-廖新波 运动就是坚持超话樊代明院士认为,在医学研究中,如果只关注局部的、微观的或者是单一的...
holistic medicine 英文holistic medicine 中文【医】 整体医学(把人当作一个不可分割的有机整体的医学)
holistic medicine- medical care of the whole person considered as subject to personal and social as well as organic factors; "holistic medicine treats the mind as well as the body" medical aid,medical care- professional treatment for illness or injury ...
Holistic medicine医学英语精品PPT课件 Holisticmedicine 第五组:张昊东,杨小双,刘海涛,马文礼,胡增梁,王丹 Promotionforuse Holisticmedicineapproacheshealthanddiseasefromseveralanglesandsuggeststhatapersonshouldnotonlytreattheillnessbuthisorherwholeselftoreachahigherlevelofwellness.Forexample,practitionersmaytreat...
Extensive documentation on holistic medicine, alternative medicine, holistic healing, nutrition, toxic consumer products and many other subjects. Links to other holistic healing sites, conference & retreat listings, case histories of healings & transf
Holistic Medicine We started Holistic Medicine to provide alternatives to traditional medicine, and promote ways for you to take a proactive approach to your health. Traditional medicine tends to focus on fixing symptoms rather than root causes. This can lead to more problems, and then more medicat...
holistic medicineholistic medicine from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. Read holistic medicine from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. now at Questia.The Columbia Encyclopediath ed