I might quibble with what is really meant by “love” and “empathy,” since I think these terms are often a cover for claims that alternative practitioners are psychically in touch with the spirits or souls of their patients, a claim I think is more about religion than medicine. But the...
1926年,來源於holism(參見)+-istic。Holistic medicine在1960年得到確認。相關詞彙:Holistically。 也來自:1926 相關條目holistic holism (n.) 1926年,南非將軍 J.C. Smuts(1870-1950)在他的書《整體主義與進化》中創造了這個詞,該書將進化視爲將分離的部分統一的過程; 來自希臘語holos“整個”(來自 PIE 詞根*...
The impact of holistic medicine, medical groups, and health concepts. Holistic medicine (Greek, holos, meaning entire or whole) focuses on the whole person--mind-body-spirit, well-being, and wellness. It is a new health care movement or medical approach that is gaining momentum. The basic ...
: relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts holistic medicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body holistic ecology views humans and the environment as a single system holistically...
Holistic means encompassing the whole of a thing, and not just the part. Holistic medicine looks at the whole person for answers, not just at physical symptoms.
1 ENTRIES FOUND: holistic(adjective) holistic/hoʊˈlɪstɪk/adjective Britannica Dictionary definition of HOLISTIC [more holistic; most holistic] :relating to or concerned with complete systems rather than with individual parts Holisticmedicine attempts to treat both the mind and the body. ...
The holistic health care (HHC) movement on the other hand, brought medicine itself under the spotlight of public scrutiny; no facet of medical practice or philosophy was exempt and 'complimentary' and 'alternative' options were espoused for everything from acute infections to childbirth. A holistic...
1926年,来源于holism(参见)+-istic。Holistic medicine在1960年得到确认。相关词汇:Holistically。 同样来自于:1926 相关词汇holistic holism (n.) 1926年,南非将军 J.C. Smuts(1870-1950)在他的书《整体主义与进化》中创造了这个词,该书将进化视为将分离的部分统一的过程; 来自希腊语holos“整个”(来自 PIE 词...
Holistic medicine is a whole-body approach to wellness and health care, meaning that the goal is to treat a person as a whole: body, mind, and spirit. Optimal health is much more than the absence of sickness. According to holistic medicine practitioners, all aspects of a person’s health...
What is the holistic medicine meaning? Holistic comes from the Greek word holos which means whole. What is the holistic medicine definition? Holistic medicine takes a whole-person approach to provide health care and wellness. A holistic practitioner will treat the physical dimension and the emotional...