在模组里输入:比如TNO,除了多出很多决议还能显示民族精神代码,配合remove_ideas可以移除这些精神 全部指令 指令 效果 例子/解释 3dstats Toggles 3D Stats add_autonomy [<Target Country Tag>] [num] 改变目标国家的自治度 add_autonomy PHI -200 add_core [<State ID>] [<Country Tag>] 添加核心 add_diplo ...
cpcp [amount]This command will add command power (max. 100%). stst [amount]This command will add stability (max. 100%). You can remove stability by specifying a negative number. wsws [amount]This command will add war support (max. 100%). Specify a negative number to remove war suppo...
remove_core Arguments: <Province ID> Remove core remove_ideas Arguments: all|<idea1> <idea2> ... Removes ideas (ministers or national spirits) with <ID> to the country. Use 'all' to remove them all remove_interest Arguments: <Country tag> Removes specified country tag from your intere...
4. Command Power. 5. Stability. 6. War Support. 7. Increase or Decrease Threat. * Known Issues: The Experience can only be get once time per day. Please resume game to get more experience. This may due to core code of game if not controllable by mod. ### 6. Faction and Parties ...
Darkest Hour Hearts of Iron III Strategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger System Requirements PC / Windows Minimum: Intel Core 2 Quad 9400 2.66 GHz / AMD Athlon II X4 640 3.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, graphic card 1 GB GeForce GTX 460 / Radeon HD 5770 or better, 2...
command_power command_power_daily compare_autonomy_progress_ratio compare_autonomy_state compare_intel_with compliance compliance_speed conscription_ratio controls_province controls_state convoy_threat core_compliance core_resistance count_triggers country_exists current_conscription_amount custom_trigger_tooltip...
remove_core Arguments: <Province ID> Remove core remove_ideas Arguments: all|<idea1> <idea2> ... Removes ideas (ministers or national spirits) with <ID> to the country. Use 'all' to remove them all remove_interest Arguments: <Country tag> Removes specified country tag ...