成功执行后会输出 "<country> have 100 more opinion about you" 并会在外交界面中显示为 "cheat_opinion_modified_good"。 addfunds [amount] 增加所有制造商经费 向所有制造商增加经费(类似制造商经验值) addSize [amount] 增加所有制造商规模 向所有制造商增加规模(类似制造商等级) tag [<Country tag>] 切...
instantconstructionEnables or disables the instant construction cheat, allowing all construction projects to happen instantly without any queues. manpower [Amount]Add the specific amount of manpower to your country. observeEnter ‘Observe’ mode, where you do not play as any country at all. The ent...
instantconstructioninstantconstructionThis command enables or disables (toggles) the instant construction cheat, making all construction happen instantly (no longer queues up). eventevent [event id] [country tag]This command will start the specified event in the specified country. ...
instant_wargoal Generation of wargoals are instant instantconstruction Aliases: ic Toggles instant construction cheat. instantevents Ignores event mth s instantshiprefit Aliases: isr Toggles instant ship refitting cheat. instanttraining Aliases: it Toggles instant army training cheat. ironman Not avail...
The cheat about leader's trait is just a trial at present. [/h1] # Changelog 180308 1. Now Supports 1.5.*. 2. Change Unity related functions to Stability and War support. 3. Add Command power related functions. Add command power event or daily gain buff. Github: <https://github.com...
instant_wargoal Generation of wargoals are instant instantconstruction Aliases: ic Toggles instant construction cheat. instantevents Ignores event mth s instantshiprefit Aliases: isr Toggles instant ship refitting cheat. instanttraining Aliases: it Toggles instant army training cheat. ironman Not avail...
add_opinion [<Country tag>] 增加指定国家好感度 向指定国家增加 100 (硬编码)点好感度(例如 add_opinion ENG)。成功执行后会输出 "<country> have 100 more opinion about you" 并会在外交界面中显示为 "cheat_opinion_modified_good"。 addfunds [amount] 增加所有制造商经费 向所有制造商增加经费(类似制造...