Become a member of the Triple Entente or of the Central Powers and help your side in the Great War. From the French-German border, the Balkans Wars, the Russian Revolution and more to come, this complete overhaul mod includes a new map, new events, new leaders, new governments, new unit...
Limit 1. cheat_death = { 90742, 31230, 1 }, -- Fatal attacks instead reduce you to 7% of your maximum health. For 3 sec afterward, you take 85% reduced damage. Cannot trigger more often than once per 6 min. cloak_of_shadows = { 90697, 31224, 1 }, -- Provides a mo...
《Modern War III – Pacific》(中文名:现代战争3-太平洋)是一部基于HOI2DH1.04平台,修改自《Modern War III》这一现代历史向MOD的架空向MOD,系黄科基于MW3制作组授权的个人制作。目前MOD版本号0.52 1、本贴为MOD发布贴,包含MOD内容发布和世界线介绍。 2、本作是基于现代真实世界的架空历史MOD,以“游戏性优先...
这里说的是自定义和谈条件(peace_option,po),也就是在和谈界面里新建一个可以勾选的条目 eu4的宣战及和谈包括cb,wargoal和po三个部分,这在p社游戏里是最完备的,比方说ck2只有cb,vic2和hoi3没有wargoal。cb决定wargoal(比如说独立战争的战争目标保卫首都),wargoal决定可选择的po(比如说羞辱宿敌不允许割地),...
我想这吧应该没人来吧 分享70赞 钢铁雄心2吧 喀布尔的守夜者 钢铁雄心2秘籍(hoi2秘籍)大全(最全终极版)卷一:输入类秘籍前言网上钢铁雄心2(Hearts of The Iron的秘籍不少,但要么不全,要么有漏洞,至今作者没有看到一个完整的,所以发此文结束混乱,补充完整。通用于v1.1;v1.2;v1.3。欢迎资深玩家提意见或建议。
以下均已测试可用,代码后缀的三个数字第一个是物品数量,第二个是物品品质,第三个好像是成品或图纸 如:双手杖Cheat Gfi PrimalItem_TwoHandedMace 10 500 0 这里的10是数量10个(改100就100个) 3517795 半条命2吧 hlbscwar 求救 想玩一下cs官方冷门地图,所以发下此贴以下为地图池: AS地图:暗杀模式在CS中也...
Limit 1. cheat_death = { 90742, 31230, 1 }, -- Fatal attacks instead reduce you to 7% of your maximum health. For 3 sec afterward, you take 85% reduced damage. Cannot trigger more often than once per 6 min. cloak_of_shadows = { 90697, 31224, 1 }, -- Provides a mom...