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中国科 学 B:化学 , 2008, 38 ( 2 ) : 104 ~109 ( Gong YuB ing, Xu Bo, M a Xiaoguang, Han J iqu. Effect of channel block on the clllective sp iking activity of coup led stochastic Hodgkin2 Huxley neurons. S ci Ch ina S er B 2Chem , 2008, 38 ( 2 ) : 104 ~109 ( ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook HH (redirected fromHodgkin-Huxley) AcronymDefinition HHHour HHHousehold HHHip Hop HHHelly Hansen HHHamburg(Germany) HHHappy Hour HHHi-Hat(cymbal) HHHalf Hour HHHis Holiness HHHis Highness HHHome Health Care ...
kin-Huxley neurons. Modelling selective attention with Hodgkin-Huxley neurons.Modelling selective attention with Hodgkin-Huxley neurons.EBSCO_AspBmc Neuroscience
关键词: Hodgkin-Huxley 模型;神经元;现场可编程门阵列;动作电位中图分类号 TP33 文献标志码 A DOI10.7507/1001-5515.20150231HardwareImplementationofNumericalSimulationFunctionofHodgkin-Huxley ModelNeuronsActionPotentialBasedonFieldProgrammableGateArrayWANGJinlong1 LUMai 2 HUYanwen1 CHENXiaoqiang1 PANQiangqiang21(The...
These power-law and correlation characteristics may be useful in the coding and decoding process of HH neurons. These concepts may distinguish different inputs quantitatively. PACS number(s): 87.18.Sn, 84.35.+i, 05.45.Tpdoi:10.48550/arXiv.cond-mat/0201206Huijie Yang...
Simulating theactivecomponent of neurons Voltage-dependent ion channel gates don't open or close instantaneously, but rather slowly open and slowly close. Further, different gates open and close at different speeds. It's this phenomenon that is primarily responsible for the generation of action poten...
3.Hodgkin-Huxley model was used to fit the experimental data of whole cell patch clamp experiment which were recorded in dorsal root ganglion neurons in the absence and presence of 10%,25% and 50 % injection stauntoniae.用Hodgkin-Huxley模型拟合全细胞膜片钳实验所得的10%,25%和50%野木瓜注射液...