So far we have proved properties of IMP, like type soundness, or properties of tools for IMP, like compiler correctness, but almost never properties of individual IMP programs. The Isabelle part of the book has taught us how to prove properties of functi
转格式 50阅读文档大小:802.16K10页yghh188上传于2015-06-07格式:PDF 公理语义-Mann子目标Hoare解析 热度: 基于hoare logic的无线网络推理系统 热度: Warhammer 40k - Rogue Trader 01 - Rogue Star # Andy Hoare 热度: Inoomputability C.A.R.HOAREANDD.C.S.ALUSON ...
Download full text in PDFIndexed and fibred categorical concepts are widely used in computer science as models of logical systems and type theories. Here we focus on Hoare logic and show that a comprehensive categorical analysis of its axiomatic semantics needs the languages of indexed category and...
Hoare Logic 推出后在程序正确性证明方面成为了利器,然而它有一点没有包含,就是没有处理指针,于是 John C. Reynolds 等扩展的 Separation Logic 很好地处理了指针相关的内容。 Separation Logic 中的程序状态分为两个部分:栈区s和堆区h,堆h定义为地址到值的函数。两个堆正交若且唯若其定义域不交,记作h1⊥h2...
Hoare Logic 推出后在程序正确性证明方面成为了利器,然而它有一点没有包含,就是没有处理指针,于是 John C. Reynolds 等扩展的 Separation Logic 很好地处理了指针相关的内容。 Separation Logic 中的程序状态分为两个部分:栈区s和堆区h,堆h定义为地址到值的函数。两个堆正交若且唯若其定义域不交,记作h1⊥h2...
This paper outlines a sound and complete Hoare logic for a sequential object-oriented language with inheritance and subtyping like Java. It describes a weakest precondition calculus for assignments and object-creation, as well as Hoare rules for reasonin
By a syntax- directed Hoare logic we mean a Hoare logic that is based on an assertion language of the same abstraction level as the programming language. In particular, there is no explicit reference to the object store in our assertion language, as opposed to [1]. Moreover, our Hoare ...
(in 1960, at age 26) of Quicksort, one of the world's most widely used sorting algorithms. He also developed Hoare logic for verifying program correctness, and the formal language Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) to specify the interactions of concurrent processes (including the dining ...
We show that, in two cases, the with-goto programming styles are more suitable for proving correctness in Hoare Logic than the corresponding without-goto ones; that is, in each of two cases, the without-goto style requires more complicated assertions in the proof-outline than the with-goto ...