We present a variant of the quantum relational Hoare logic from (Unruh, POPL 2019) that allows us to use "expectations" in pre- and postconditions. That is, when reasoning about pairs of programs, our logic allows us to quantitatively reason about how much certain pre-/postconditions are sa...
Quantum Relational Hoare Logic with Expectationsdoi:10.4230/LIPICS.ICALP.2021.136Yangjia LiDominique UnruhSchloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
We present a computer-verified formalization of the post-quantum security proof of the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform (as analyzed by Hoevelmanns, Kiltz, Schage, and Unruh, PKC 2020). The formalization is done in quantum relational Hoare logic and checked in the qrhl-tool (Unruh, POPL 2019)....