Both Hoare Logic and Dynamic Logic are examples of what is called the exogenous approach to the modal logic of programs. This means that programs are explicit and are part of well formed expressions, the logic is dealing with. It should be contrasted with another approach, called endogenous, ...
基于hoare logic的无线网络推理系统 热度: Warhammer 40k - Rogue Trader 01 - Rogue Star # Andy Hoare 热度: Inoomputability C.A.R.HOAREANDD.C.S.ALUSON TheQueen'sUniversityofBelfast, Belfast,NorthernIreland Russell'slogicalparadox,formulatedintermsofEnglishadjectives,iscons]dered ...
But we trust that the general idea becomes clear by considering the following examples, starting with l.x[new C/u]. In general, we have to give special attention to cases where l[new C/u] may be undefined. Therefore we single out the case where l ≡ u. false if [[u.x]...
HTT establishes a formal connection between Hoare logic and monads, in the style of Curry-Howard isomorphism: every effectful command in HTT has a type which corresponds to the appropriate inference rule in Hoare logic, and vice versa, every inference rule in (a version of) Hoare logic, corre...
Examples Seedemoorsrcdirectories for more examples. Hello World helloworld.ts exportfunctionhelloworld(){return'hello, world';} helloworld.spec.ts import{test}from'hoare';import{helloworld}from'./helloworld';test('should return "hello, world"',(assert)=>{assert.equal(helloworld(),'hello, world'...
Central to our framework is the notion of a graded category which we extend here, introducing graded Freyd categories which provide a semantics that can interpret many examples of augmented program logics from the literature. We leverage coherent fibrations to model the base assertion language, and...
Finally some typical examples illustrate the use of the probabilistic predicates and the proof system.J. I. DEN HARTOGFaculty of Exact SciencesE. P. DE VINKFaculty of Exact SciencesInternational Journal of Foundations of Computer Scienceden Hartog J, de Vink E (2002) Verifying probabilistic ...
The use of this Dynamic Assignment Language (DAL) for natural language analysis is demonstrated by examples. The medium can treat a wide variety of 'donkey sentences': conditionals with a donkey pronoun in their consequent and quantified sentences with donkey pronouns anywhere in the scope of the...
Finally some typical examples illustrate the use of the probabilistic predicates and the proof system.HartogJ. I. DenVinkE. P. DeInternational Journal of Foundations of Computer Scienceden Hartog J, de Vink E (2002) Verifying probabilistic programs using a Hoare like logic. Int J Found Comput ...
Instead, we advocate types refined with first-order logic formulas as a basis for behavioral type systems, and general purpose automated theorem provers as an effective means of checking programs. To illustrate this approach, we define a triple of security-related type systems: for role-based ...