Hoarder App Open the Mac App Store to buy and download apps. Hoarder App17+ Mohamed Bassem Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Quickly save links, notes, and images and hoarder will automatically tag them for you using AI for faster retrieval....
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在Github上发现一个可自己部署的稍后再读开源软件hoarder-app,用于快速保存链接、笔记和图片,然后用 AI 自动标记它们,以便更快地查找,网页和 App 均支持,吞知识的小伙伴可以自己玩玩看。🤖 hoarder.app#程序员#软件开发#互联网#计算机#人工智能 11 抢首评 ...
- 开源地址:https://github.com/hoarder-app/hoarder 详细部署方式参考:https://blog.luler.top/d/15最后编辑于 :2025.03.17 18:50:39 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 1人点赞 日记本 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "小礼物走一走,来简书关注我"赞赏支持还没有人赞赏,支持一下 ...
使用TestFlight App 帮助开发者测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App。请在 App Store 中下载适用于 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple TV、Apple Vision Pro、Apple Watch 和iMessage 信息的 TestFlight。 开始使用 若要使用 TestFlight 测试 Beta 版 App 和轻 App,你需要接受开发者的电子邮件邀请或公开链接邀请,并且拥有可用于测试...
MohamedBassemclosed this as completedin deef30eon Feb 1, 2025 pulladded a commit that references this issue on Feb 1, 2025 i18n: Fix spanish language code. Fixes hoarder-app#925 deef30e Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment ...
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hoarder-app/hoarder/main/docker/docker-compose.yml ``` ### 3. Populate the environment variables To configure the app, create a `.env` file in the directory and add this minimal env file: ``` HOARDER_VERSION=release NEXTAUTH_SECRET=super_random_stri...
The Penny Hoarder VR App was primarily developed with Unity and SteamVR. Various assets available for purchase were also implemented to create the realistic 3D underwater atmosphere.Our Approach What Saritasa DidSteamVR HTC Vive experience utilizing the SteamVR tools to support the game experience ...
The Penny Hoarder VR App was primarily developed with Unity and SteamVR. Various assets available for purchase were also implemented to create the realistic 3D underwater atmosphere.Our Approach What Saritasa DidSteamVR HTC Vive experience utilizing the SteamVR tools to support the game experience ...
AI功能的加入使得书签管理更加智能化,提升了用户体验。尽管目前应用程序还在积极开发中,但它已经具备了一些非常有用的功能,并且开发者正在计划添加更多的功能,如离线阅读内容的下载支持。 阿喵提醒:一些地区需要自备网络,最好自托管一个。 演示截图 项目地址 https://hoarder.app...