🔺名称随意,在Web编辑器中输入以下命令(直接复制粘贴即可,注意格式很重要): version: "3.8" services: web: image: ghcr.io/hoarder-app/hoarder:${HOARDER_VERSION:-release} restart: unless-stopped volumes: - ./docker/hoarder/data:/data # 映射data文件夹实际路径 ports: - 3000:3000 # 项目打开端口...
The Bookmark Everything app. Hoard links, notes, and images and they will get automatically tagged AI.
官方Github:https://github.com/hoarder-app/hoarder 官方Demo:https://try.hoarder.app 2. hoarder 简介 2.1 简介 A self-hostable bookmark-everything app (links, notes and images) with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search 一个可自托管的书签应用程序(链接、笔记和图像),具有基于 AI 的...
Quickly save links, notes, and images and hoarder will automatically tag them for you using AI for faster retrieval. Content (including link contents) are index…
1. 前言差不多三年前(一晃眼三年了,时间过得太快啦),小俊写过一篇教大家安装 LinkAce 的文章,现在小俊又来给大家介绍一款集成了当下最热门的 AI 技术且界面相对较为美观的书签管理器——hoarder,有了它,大…
体验高效的阅读和收藏,NAS部署基于AI的书签和个人知识库管理工具『Hoarder』哈喽小伙伴们好,我是Stark-C~ 不知道生在网络时代的你是不是正在有这样的困扰:我们不管在电脑上,还是在手机上,看到自己喜欢的文章…
A self-hostable bookmark-everything app (links, notes and images) with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search - Release android/v1.6.7-1 · hoarder-app/hoarder
A self-hostable bookmark-everything app (links, notes and images) with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search - Hoarder App
Nas用户的完美本地运行的书签管理 一站式信息管理:如何搭建和使用Hoarder 管理你的数字信息?1. 前言今天给各位nas爱好者,介绍一个新玩具
【Hoarder:自托管的全能书签管理应用,支持链接、笔记和图片的存储,具备基于AI的自动标签化和全文搜索功能】'hoarder-app/hoarder - A self-hostable bookmark-everything app with AI-based automatic tagging and full text search' GitHub: github.com/hoarder-app/hoarder #书签管理# #AI标签化# #全文搜索# ...