第二步 进行综合,点菜单栏的 Run C Synthesise 可能会出现下面这个“The function must be specified 错误,原因是可能有很多 C 函数,但哪个是顶 层,需要确定下。在工程中右键 Project Settings,选择 Synthesis 选项卡, 将 Top Function 设置为 matrixjnul,就可以跑综合了。 四、报告分析 综合完,会生成 ...
另一个验证选项是将源代码转换为使用 HLS 函数库。对于该选项,C 语言仿真与 C/RTL 协同仿真结果之间并无差异。以下示例显示了如何将以上代码修改为使用 hls_math.h 库。 注释: 该选项仅限在 C++ 中才可用。 包含 hls_math.h 头文件。 将数学函数替换为等效的 hls:: 函数。
EXPRESSION_BALANCE 编译指示允许在指定作用域内禁用或明确启用此表达式平衡。 语法 将C 语言源代码中的编译指示置于所需位置的边界内。 #pragma HLS expression_balance off 其中: off 在函数内禁用表达式平衡。 void my_func(char inval, char incr) { #pragma HLS expression_balance off 示例2 此示例会在my_F...
Parameter should be a function with two arguments (xhr: XMLHttpRequest, url: string). If xhrSetup is specified, default loader will invoke it before calling xhr.send(). This allows user to easily modify/setup XHR. See example below. var config = { xhrSetup: function (xhr, url) { xhr...
* Set FPGA synthesis top-level file: :ref:`set_synthesis_top_module_file` .. * Pipeline loop: :ref:`loop_pipeline` * Pipeline function: :ref:`function_pipeline` * Inline function: :ref:`inline_function` * Do not inline function: :ref:`noinline_function` * Flatten function: :ref:`...
When streams are passed into and out of functions, they must be passed-by-reference as in the following example: void stream_function ( hls::stream<uint8_t> &strm_out, hls::stream<uint8_t> &strm_in, uint16_t strm_len ) Streaming examples are provided in the Vitis-HLS-Introductory...
specified TCP/IP协议号:【2】IGMP(Internet组管理协议) TCP/IP协议号:【1】ICMP(含38种类型) 多生成树协议MSTP nginx将Gzip换成Brotli Nginx防止网站被恶意域名解析收录 禁止未绑定域名和IP访问80及443端口 更改WordPress后台登录地址 CentOS7增加多个SSH端口 wordpress中安装插件需要ftp服务 TCP/IP协议号:【0】IP...
Note: If any top-level function argument is specified as anAXI4-Liteinterface, the function return must also be specified as anAXI4-Liteinterface. Note 2: By default, Vitis HLS automatically assigns the address for each port that is grouped into an AXI4-Lite interface. Vitis HLS provides ...
must finish all read/write accesses to the arrays before they complete. This prevents the next function or loop that consumes the data from starting operation. The DATAFLOW optimization enables the operations in a function or loop to start operation before the previous function or loop completes ...
the specified function must be pipelined individually. If the sub-functions are pipelined, the pipelined functions above it can take advantage of the pipeline performance. Conversely, any sub-function below the pipelined top-level function that is not pipelined, may be the ...