1)在Vitis Unified IDE的流程导航器中,确保选择了simple_aie_application_system_project并单击HARDWARE -> LINK - binary_container_1下的Build Binary Container,当弹出页面要求构建组件(simple_aie_application、mm2s 和 s2mm)时,全选上后单击OK开始编译,编译过程需要一些时间才能完成,依次编译AI Engine应用工程、HL...
The name of this function must be specified in the block parameter dialog box under the Block Configuration parameter. The configuration M-function does the following: • It specifies the top-level entity name of the HDL component that should be associated with the black box. • It selects...
我在Vivado HLS 过程中看到了以下有关 C 语言综合的错误: CRITICAL WARNING: [RTGEN 206-102] Illegal connection is found on FIFO pin 'top|ovflo' connecting to 'stg_356'('top_fft_top|ovflo'). CRITICAL WARNING: [HLS 200-103] RTL generation terminated by exceptions! 综合失败。 我该如何解决此...
47429 - Xilinx Vivado HLS Solution Center - Top Issues Description This answer record covers current known issues related to the Vivado HLS tool. This answer record is part of the Xilinx Vivado HLS Solution Center; see (Xilinx Answer 47428). The Xilinx Vivado HLS Solution Center is available...
• If you want to synthesize functions that are not in the hierarchy under the top-level function for synthesis, you must merge the functions into a single top-level function for synthesis. Test Bench When using the Vivado® HLS design flow, it is time consuming to synthesize a ...
The HLS tool flow and features are described in the following resources: • Vivado Design Suite User Guide: High-Level Synthesis (UG902) • Vivado Design Suite Tutorial: High-Level Synthesis (UG871) Dynamic Function Exchange Design Dynamic function exchange (DFx) allows portions of a running...
If a hardware function uses a particular clock then it uses the synchronized reset output for that clock. After the hardware functions are built by the Vitis tool, a final block design containing the hardware functions (packaged as an HLS IP) is instantiated in this block design, and all ...
Note: If %log_dir% is not specified, a file named install_drivers_wrapper.log will be placed under %VIVADO_INSTALL_DIR%. 2. To install the Linux driver, do the following: a. Enter the following commands as root: ${vivado_install_dir}/data/xicom/cable_drivers/lin64/install_script/ ...
System Generator has a Vitis HLS block in the Xilinx Blockset/Control Logic and Xilinx Blockset/Index libraries that enables you to bring in C/C++ source files into a System Generator model. Objectives After completing this lab, you will be able to incorporate a design, synthesized from C, ...
The results I have shown in my first post have been generated by using Vivado HLS only. I used the PCORE for EDK export and selected evaluate VHDL to generate the code. So all the ports are top level ports and should not be optimized away. ...