MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0\n') f.write('#EXTINF:10,\n') f.write('audio_segment_000.ts\n') # 假设有10个片段 for i in range(1, 11): f.write(f'#EXTINF:10,\n') f.write(f'audio_segment_{i:03d}.ts\n') f.write('#EXT-X-ENDLIST\n') # 使用示例 convert_mp3_to_hls('input.mp3',...
MEDIA-SEQUENCE:0\n') f.write('#EXTINF:10,\n') f.write('audio_segment_000.ts\n') # 假设有10个片段 for i in range(1, 11): f.write(f'#EXTINF:10,\n') f.write(f'audio_segment_{i:03d}.ts\n') f.write('#EXT-X-ENDLIST\n') # 使用示例 convert_mp3_to_hls('input.mp3',...
每一个 Media Segment 有一个唯一的整数 Media Segment Number. 有些媒体格式需要一个 format-specific sequence 来初始化一个 parser, 在 Media Segment 被 parse 之前. 这个字段叫做 Media Initialization Section, 通过 EXT-X-MAP tag 来指定. 支持的 Media Segment 格式 MPEG-2 Transport Streams 即最常见的 ...
String input = "video/file.mp4"; //convertMediaToM3u8ByHttp(input); toMp3(input); String output = "ts/file.m3u8"; // push(input,output); } public static void convertMediaToM3u8ByHttp(String filePath) throws IOException { avutil.av_log_set_level(avutil.AV_LOG_INFO); FFmpegLogCallback...
This allows access to a multi-media file collection with software and/or hardware which only understands one of the supported output formats, or transcodes files through simple drag-and-drop in a file browser.Web site:
Quality will scale up as long as your internet is fast enough to handle the load. 3. Cost-Efficient Another major advantage of the HLS format is its lower cost. As we’ve said, the format is supported by just about every device via HTML5 and Media Source Extensions. There’s no need...
MediaMTX (formerly rtsp-simple-server) is a ready-to-use and zero-dependency real-time media server and media proxy that allows to publish, read, proxy and record video and audio streams. It has been conceived as a "media router" that routes media streams from one end to the other. Liv...
#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:64 #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:12 #EXTINF:11.550 livestream-64.ts #EXTINF:5.250 livestream-65.ts #EXTINF:7.700 livestream-66.ts #EXTINF:6.850 livestream-67.ts 有几个关键的参数,这些参数在SRS的配置文件中都有配置项:
谁在使用zlmediakit? 全面支持ipv6网络 支持多轨道模式(一个流中多个视频/音频) 全协议支持H264/H265/AAC/G711/OPUS/MP3,部分支持VP8/VP9/AV1/JPEG/MP3/H266/ADPCM/SVAC/G722/G723/G729 项目定位 移动嵌入式跨平台流媒体解决方案。 商用级流媒体服务器。
}// hls.js is not supported on platforms that do not have Media Source Extensions (MSE) enabled.// When the browser has built-in HLS support (check using `canPlayType`), we can provide an HLS manifest (i.e. .m3u8 URL) directly to the video element throught the `src` property.// ...