关于 商店地址:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stream-recorder-download/iogidnfllpdhagebkblkgbfijkbkjdmm 名称:Stream Recorder - download HLS as MP4 提
m3u8下载神器浏览器插件 download HLS as MP4 作者:熊猫畔日期:2020-08-01 15:14:22分类:绿色软件 对于HLS存档视频下载,您可以通过并行处理更快地下载视频。 但是,在某些情况下,此功能会降低下载速度。 请注意以下几点,并仔细使用该功能,以免服务器过载。
最受欢迎的Http Live Streaming(HLS)的下载器通过流媒体记录器,你可以轻松地保存以典型的HLS(m3u8)格式传输的直播和存档视频。甚至更多,如果视频文件类型是mp4格式,你可以直接使用独特的视频捕捉功能录制视频。 下载的音频和视频数据被转换为mp4,因为它具有相同的质量,无需重新编码。这种转换是在扩展内部完成的,无需使...
However, it’s quite challenging todownload Brightcove videos, as the website is not as popular as YouTube or Vimeo and hosts the embedded videos. “I use the HTML developer tool for MP4 Brightcove video download, but there are merely M3U8 files in the webpage's internal resources.” - F...
Updated French localization. Stopped logging inappropriate warnings for error pages. Fixed some problems downloading YouTube videos with SiteSucker Pro. Used ffmpeg (if installed in /usr/local/bin) to save HLS videos as mp4 videos in SiteSucker Pro if the Apple exporter could not create an mp4....
Stream Recorder-download HLS as MP4是一款非常好用的m3u8视频下载插件。该脚本支持在360浏览器、谷歌浏览器、火狐浏览器等,用户通过安装该浏览器,就可以一键轻松对其进行下载,永久免费使用。 【使用说明】 在什么情况下下载会变慢? -如果下载速度已经足够快而没有提高 ...
Record a video in the browser or directly on the File System from a canvas (2D/WebGL/WebGPU) as MP4, WebM, MKV, GIF, PNG/JPG Sequence using WebCodecs and Wasm when available. videocanvasmp4downloadfilesystemgifcapturerecordwebcodecs ...
download Download plugin。SourceCode pluginName:download The plugin is hidden by default, if you need to enable it, you can configurationplayerConfigas follows: constplayer=newPlayer({...,download:true})// ORconstplayer=newPlayer({...,download:{disable:false,...// Other configuration items}}...
Download to own for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) New in version 1.7.25. The option to download the full video presentation was introduced by Apple as part of version 7 of their HLS protocol. It is a feature that requires the EXT-X-SESSION-KEY to be present in the master playlist. ...
#npmnpm install hls2mp4#yarnyarn add hls2mp4 usage importHls2Mp4from"hls2mp4";consthls2mp4=newHls2Mp4({/***@type{number}* max retry times while request data failed*/maxRetry=3,/***@type{number}* the concurrency for download ts*/tsDownloadConcurrency=10,/*** the base url of ffmpeg...