error: hls is not supported 文心快码BaiduComate 针对你提出的“error: hls is not supported”错误,以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认错误上下文: 首先,需要明确这个错误是在什么环境中出现的。是在开发环境(如使用某个特定的播放器或框架时)还是在生产环境中?这有助于确定问题的根源。 检查HLS支持: 如果是在...
回答:他不支持 he
The pulled code is the latest compiled version, this BUG did not exist before, and the previous version was also tested to have this problem, just don't know when it started to appear. 文件太大传不上来,提供网盘地址: 链接:提...
Steps Upload HLS files to S3 on the fly Enable HTTP forwarding to S3 to play the streams directly on S3 Start a stream with id stream1 and let it broadcast 1 minute While stream1 is active, ask Ant Media Server return the last 10 secs wi...
由于EasyPlayer播放器的高性能已经在TSINGSEE青犀视频平台当中的视频播放载体上有了体现,因此很多客户想用H265播放器自己进行集成。在集成H265播放器播放视频过程中,客户发现播放HLS流出现控制台报错,错误信息为:Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined 根据错误信息找到TSDemuxer.js 文件,发现for循环的i没有新建变量,...
点播超级播放器是基于 video.js 框架并结合腾讯云点播业务而开发的视频播放器,采用以 HTML5为主,Flash...
HLS m3u8格式的视频 在ios9上面 不能用于webgl 的纹理! Reply of 1 HLS m3u8 format video is not able to play in iOS 9 AVPlayer Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where Apple customers help each other with their products. Get started with your Apple Account.Learn...
I'm not sure why this error is occurring. But you can try these. 1. Stop the publish. 2. Delete all the stream files i.e livepkgr/streams & .stream file under liveevent directory. 3. Restart the server. And clear browser cache. 4. Publish Again and check the f4m Votes U...