针对您提出的“hls is not defined”错误,我们可以从几个方面来分析和解答,以确保问题得到全面且清晰的解决。 1. 确认"hls"的定义上下文 首先,我们需要明确“hls”在您的项目或代码片段中的预期用途。HLS(HTTP Live Streaming)是一种网络传输协议,用于流式传输音视频内容。在JavaScript或相关环境中,“hls”可能指...
点播超级播放器是基于 video.js 框架并结合腾讯云点播业务而开发的视频播放器,采用以 HTML5为主,Flash...
由于EasyPlayer播放器的高性能已经在TSINGSEE青犀视频平台当中的视频播放载体上有了体现,因此很多客户想用H265播放器自己进行集成。在集成H265播放器播放视频过程中,客户发现播放HLS流出现控制台报错,错误信息为:Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined 根据错误信息找到TSDemuxer.js 文件,发现for循环的i没有新建变量,...
@surmon-china 您好,我也遇到上诉的问题,本地运行正常,部署到线上控制台报错: e is not defined。 在webpack也已经配置: js库各版本: "vue-video-player": "^5.0.2", "vue": "^2.5.11", "video.js": "^7.5.4", "videojs-contrib-hls": "^5.15.0", 项目代码 import 'vue-video-player/src...
I have two variables: void func1(hls::stream<ap_axiu<8,1,1,1>> &a); void func2(hls::stream<ap_uint<8>> &b); Where ap_axiu is defined as: template<int D,int U,int TI,... c++ templates xilinx vivado-hls Roy Meijer 47 asked Mar 29, 2021 at 10:04 1...
I have a video player based on video.js latest version (8.3.0). In development, I'm testing my app on chromium 68. Unfortunately, the player is not playing HLS content displaying "No compatible source was found for this media".
The HLS-14 is relatively a short questionnaire and easy to use. Because of the self-administered character of the questionnaire (interviews are not required), it easy to use in a large-scale survey in both the clinical and public health contexts. The response rate for each item ranged from...
Please note that it is valid for a Media Playlist to signal a protocol version that is higher than the protocol version signaled in the Master Playlist. Please also note that the HLS protocol version that introduced the latest functionality that is used in a playlist is not necessarily the ...
In Intel HLS Compiler Pro Edition Command Options, updated the description of the --quartus-compile to indicate that your component is not expected to close timing when you compile your component with this option. Updated the following sections with information about the --hyper-optimized-...