又称巨噬细胞活化综合征(macrophage activation syndrome,MAS),常见于全身性青少年特发性关节炎(systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis,sJIA)、成人Still病(adult onset still disease,AOSD)、系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)和坏死性淋巴结...
The study of Zhang and colleagues provides strong support for ruxolitinib as front-line treatment of HLH and represents a major step forward in updating the approach to this life-threatening disease.doi:10.1182/blood.2022016421Lauren A.Henderson...
, HLH)是由于细胞毒T淋巴细胞(cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, CTLs)和NK细胞毒效应显著降低和障碍,不能及时有效清除病毒等抗原(免疫无效),巨噬细胞异常持续活化和增生所致的多器官高炎症反应和组织器官免疫损伤的临床综合征HLH起病急、病情进展迅速、病死率高,为一种潜在致死性疾病 (potentially fatal disease)。
存在高细胞因子血症,因此无特异性明确HLH发生发展过程中,是否存在HLH特异性的细胞因子表达谱(cytokine profiling or pattern),对于HLH的早期诊断和鉴别诊断具有重要的临床价值HPS/HLH:属巨噬细胞相关性“组织细胞疾病”范畴HLH尽管具有相似的临床表现和实验室检查特点,但并非独立疾病 体(Not an independent disease entity...
( HLH) is a pediatr i c disease with high mortality.In 201102, China ,there are few studies on long— term follow— up based on standard diagnosi s and treatment of H L H ,and the repor t s on genetic d iagnosi s of H L H are ab sent.T hi s study ai med to expl ore...
HLH起病急、病情进展迅速、病死率高,为一种潜在致死性疾 病(potentiallyfataldisease)。儿童期多见 HLH,notanindependentdiseaseentity,butratheraclinicalsyndromeoraconstellationofsymptomsandsigns 国际组织细胞学会组织细胞疾病现代分类 (ContemporaryClassificationofHistiocyticDisorders)生物学行为各异的组织细胞疾病(...
身份认证 全文购买 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献来源期刊 Med Pediatr Oncol 1997 May; 研究点推荐 hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis B-non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma HLH-94 引用走势辅助模式 0 引用 文献可以批量引用啦~欢迎点我试用!
Disease triggers, causes, course, treatment and pronostic factors. Methods Outcomes analysed were overall survival (from the time of patient's hospitalization until the patient's death) and due to fact that the majorities of the demises were performed in the first 5 weeks, two another variables...