Chen Q-Y, Huang W, She J-X, Baxter F, Volpe R, Maclaren NK 1999 HLA- DRB1*08, DRB1*03/DRB3*0101, and DRB3*0202 are susceptibility genes for Graves' disease in North American Caucasians, whereas DRB1*07 is protec- tive... QY Chen,W Huang,JX She,... - 《Journal of Clinical...
刘芳,李国坚,吴继周,吴健林,陈务卿,马莎莎,胡蝶飞,宁秋悦,庞裕.HLA-DRB1*08/16等位基因与广西肝癌家族聚集性的相关性[J]. 世界华人消化杂志.2013(27)HLA-DRB1*08/16等位基因与广西肝癌家族聚集性的相关性[J]. 刘芳,李国坚,吴继周,吴健林,陈务卿,马莎莎,胡蝶飞,宁秋悦,庞裕.世界华人消化杂志. 2013(27)...
Chen QY, Huang W, She JX, Baxter F, Volpe R, Maclaren NK (1999) HLA-DRB1*08, DRB1*03/DRB3*0101, and DRB3*0202 are susceptibility genes for Graves' disease in North American Caucasians, whereas DRB1*07 is protec- tive. J... QY Chen,W Huang,JX She,... - 《Journal of Clinical...
HLA-DRB1*08:112next-generation sequencingnovel HLA-alleleHLA-DRB1*08:112 differs from HLA-DRB1*08:01 in exon 2 at amino acid 62; asparagine to lysine substitution.doi:10.1111/tan.14868Annette.PlesnerDepartment of Clinical Immunology - 7631, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen ...
doi:10.1111/tan.15376alleleshaplotypeshistocompatibility testingHLA polymorphismHLA-DRB1 geneHLA-DRB1*08:127 differs from HLA-DRB1*08:01:01:01 by a single substitution in exon 4.A. SharmaD. BeauneD. FielderS. Al AgbarA. M. E. SidahmedTissue Antigens...
目的应用DNA测序方法确认人类白细胞抗原(HLA)-DRB1新等位基因。方法应用基因测序技术对造血干细胞捐献者进行HLA分型,发现1个与HLA-DRB1*09相关的异常等位基因,采用Sanger法对其第2外显子进行测序分析,以确认是否为新的基因序列。结果 1例样本DRB1*09:XX第2外显子序列与所有已知等位基因序列均不一致,与DRB1*09:01...
Characterisation ofthenovel HLA-DRB1*08:126 allele by sequencing-based typingdoi:10.1111/tan.15626HLA-DRB1*08:126 differs from HLA-DRB1*08:04:01:01 by one nucleotide substitution in codon 152 in exon 3.Vincent ElsermansJonathan Visentin
目的 评价 HL A基因配型在减少高危角膜移植免疫排斥反应中的作用.方法 对 91例高危穿透性角膜移植病例 ,术后双盲法进行供受体 HL A - DRB1 基因分型和临床观察 ,随访 12~ 2 6 mo,对其基因配型情况和术后排斥反应的关系进行回顾性分析.结果 91例患者中 6 1例随访资料完整.其中 16例供受体有 1个基因位点...
HLA‐DRB1*08:97human leukocyte antigennew allelenext‐generation sequencingDRB1*08:97 differs from DRB1*08:03:02:01 by one nucleotide substitution at position 485 in exon 3.doi:10.1111/tan.14033Steve GenebrierEFS Bretagne, laboratoire d'immunogénétique et histocompatibilité immunologie plaquet...
new allelepolymerase chain reaction sequence‐based typingHLA-DRB1*08:69 has one nucleotide change from HLA-DRB1*08:03:02 at position 262 G>A.doi:10.1111/tan.12938L.‐N. DongZ.‐D. HanW. ZhangJ. HeF.‐M. ZhuJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdHLA...