Chen Q.Y,Huang W,She J.X,et al.HLA-DRB1*08, DRB1*03/DRB3*0101, and DRB3*0202 are susceptibility genes for Graves’ disease in North American Caucasians, whereas DRB1*07 is protective.The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology. 1999Chen QY, Huang W, She JX, Baxter F, ...
Chen Q-Y, Huang W, She J-X, Baxter F, Volpe R, Maclaren NK 1999 HLA- DRB1*08, DRB1*03/DRB3*0101, and DRB3*0202 are susceptibility genes for Graves' disease in North American Caucasians, whereas DRB1*07 is protec- tive... QY Chen,W Huang,JX She,... - 《Journal of Clinical...
HLA‐DRB1*08:45:02sequence‐based typingHLA-DRB1*08:45:02 differs from DRB1*08:30:01 by a single nucleotide substitution at position 227 of exon 2.doi:10.1111/tan.12909M.‐R. HuoBeijing Key Laboratory of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Peking University People's Hospital, Peking ...
Chen QY, Huang W, She JX, Baxter F, Volpe R, Maclaren NK (1999) HLA-DRB1*08, DRB1*03/DRB3*0101, and DRB3*0202 are susceptibility genes for Graves' disease in North American Caucasians, whereas DRB1*07 is protec- tive. J... QY Chen,W Huang,JX She,... - 《Journal of Clinical...
novel alleleHLA-DRB1*08:41 shows seven nucleotide differences from DRB1*08:18 and result in three amino acid changes.doi:10.1111/j.1399-0039.2011.01698.xL.-J. SunJ. HuT. TanH. GuoJ.-W. GaoJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Tissue Antigens...
doi:10.1111/tan.15376alleleshaplotypeshistocompatibility testingHLA polymorphismHLA-DRB1 geneHLA-DRB1*08:127 differs from HLA-DRB1*08:01:01:01 by a single substitution in exon 4.A. SharmaD. BeauneD. FielderS. Al AgbarA. M. E. SidahmedTissue Antigens...
目的 评价 HL A基因配型在减少高危角膜移植免疫排斥反应中的作用.方法 对 91例高危穿透性角膜移植病例 ,术后双盲法进行供受体 HL A - DRB1 基因分型和临床观察 ,随访 12~ 2 6 mo,对其基因配型情况和术后排斥反应的关系进行回顾性分析.结果 91例患者中 6 1例随访资料完整.其中 16例供受体有 1个基因位点...
Characterisation ofthenovel HLA-DRB1*08:126 allele by sequencing-based typingdoi:10.1111/tan.15626HLA-DRB1*08:126 differs from HLA-DRB1*08:04:01:01 by one nucleotide substitution in codon 152 in exon 3.Vincent ElsermansJonathan Visentin
目的了解重庆地区人群HLA-DRB1基因多态性,分析人群HLA-DRB1基因频率分布特征.方法采用 PCR-SSP方法对来自中国造血干细胞捐献者资料库重庆分库的3 219名无血缘关系的捐献者进行基因分型,计算HLA-DRB1基因频率,并与南方汉族、北方汉族人群进行比较.结果在重庆地区人群中检出了HLA- DRB1基因型14种(低分辨率),其中以DRB1·...
Muto M, Deguchi H, Tanaka A, Inoue T, Ichimiya M (2011) Association between T-lymphocyte regulatory gene CTLA4 single nucleotide polymorphism at position 49 in exon 1 and HLA-DRB1*08 in Japanese patients with psoriasis vulgaris. J Dermatol Sci; 62(1): 70-71....