摘要本研究目的是建立稳定表达HLA-A * 1101分子的K562细胞株,为研究慢性髓系白血病(CML)HLA-I限 制性抗原特异T细胞的细胞毒作用提供靶细胞。利用RT-PCR从CML患者外周血单个细胞中扩增HLA-A * 1101 基因全长序列;利用重组PCR将2A肽连接子(D-V-E-X-N-P-G-P)基因连接到HLA-A * 1101的3'端,并将其定向 ...
全国咨询服务热线:183-6289-9236 产品信息 Lv-Puro+HLA-A1101滴度液 货号 VGV-HLA-37A2 规格 1E8 PFU 品牌:Vigen/镇江维根 货期:2~3周 赠送等量对照病毒 产品说明书 相关数据 产品订购 产品名称:* 产品备注:* 称呼:* 联系电话:* 电子信箱:* ...
英文名称 HMy2.CIR-HLA-A1101-Puro polyclonal stable cell line 产品货号 VGC-0460-022P 中文名称 HLA-A1101 过表达 HMy2.CIR 稳转株 Lot number HMy2.CIR-33F1P 细胞规格 复苏细胞 (T25细胞瓶) 或1 × 106 细胞冻存细胞 细胞形态 淋巴母细胞样 生长特性 悬浮生长 细胞株 构建流程 (1)构建目的...
The HLA-A*1101-GPI tetramers could bind to virus-specific CD8+ T cells, suggesting soluble HLA-A*1101-GPI tetramers were biologically functional. This study provides the basis for further evaluation of HLA-A*1101-restricted CD8+ T cell responses against HCMV infection. 展开 关键词: HLA-A*...
HBc-HLA-A* 1101-β2m复合物单体及其四聚体的制备和鉴定 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
CD8+ T cells are essential components of the immune system. They function through TCR recognition of antigens (peptide epitopes) presented by the class I MHC (HLA in humans) molecules. Thus, TCR recognition of cognate MHC/peptide complex can be utilized for the detection of antigen-spec...
Solvent exposed side chains of peptides bound to HLA A*1101 have similar effects on the reactivity of alloantibodies and specific TCR. (1996) Solvent exposed side chains of peptides bound to HLA*A1101 have similar effects on the reactivity of alloantibodies and specific TCR. Int Immunol... ...