中文名称:HL-60 cell line人原髓细胞白血病细胞系英文名称:HL-60 cell line 保存条件:低温避光纯度规格:1x10(6)viable cells/ml 产品类别:有机化学品 "HL-60 cell line人原髓细胞白血病细胞系 细胞背景资料:该细胞由CollinsSJ从一位患有急性早幼粒细胞性白血病的36岁白人女性的外周血中分离建立;可自发分化,或...
16. In vitro detection of apoptotic stimuli by use of the HL-60 myeloid leukemic cell line.[PMID: 8548540] 17. Roscovitine enhances all- trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced nuclear enrichment of an ensemble of activated signaling molecules and augments ATRA-induced myeloid cell differentiation.[PMI...
HL-60 Cell Lines:人原髓细胞白血病细胞(STR认证)相关厂家报价 产品名称价格公司名称报价日期 HL-60人原髓细胞白血病细胞传代性好|带STR图谱 询价 VIP1年 上海宾穗生物科技有限公司 2025-03-15 HL-60 cell line人原髓细胞白血病细胞系 询价 VIP5年
细胞系(cell line)指原代细胞培养物经次传代成功后所繁殖的细胞群体。 也指可长期连续传代的培养细胞。(由此便引申出了后来的有限细胞系(FiniteCellLine)、无限细胞系(InfiniteCellLine)),因此,细胞系狭义的是指可连续传代的细胞(特定环境下口语和书面语都使用),广义是指可传代的细胞。 经过40-50次分裂的渡过第...
3.Two different in vitro oxidative systems: the enzymatic oxidative system MPO(myeloperoxidase) /H2O2/HOCl in humanHL-60 cell lineand the cytochrome P450/NADPH-reductase within hepatic rat microsomes were used for testing their antioxidant properties.方法用常规方法制备LGFs和GLB;利用HL-60细胞中的Myelo...
Organism TypeHumanThis is a non-adherent human leukocyte cell line. ATCC # CCL-240 TissuesLymphocyte PhenotypeSuspension Primaryno ApplicationCell Culture / Growth Conditions,Nucleic Acid Purification,Protein Expression,Transfection: Gene Expression,Transient Transfection ...
早幼粒急性细胞系,HL-60细胞价格:¥100/电询产品详情:细胞名称:早幼粒急性白血病细胞系,HL-60细胞细胞英文名:Acutepromyelocyticleukemiacellline,HL-60cells细胞生长:贴壁生长细胞... 相关问题 促黄体生成激素实验注意事项在进行促黄体生成激素(LH)实验时,除了遵循严格的医学操作规范外,还需特别注意以下几点,以确保...
and Ried, T., Spectral karyotypic study of the HL-60 cell line: detection of complex rear- rangements involving chromosomes 5, 7, and 16 and delineation of critical region deletion on 5q31.1. Cancer Genet. Cytogenet. 1999. 113: 105-109....
产品名称: Cas9 Expressing HL-60 Cell Line 产品型号: 产品展商: ABM产品文档: 无相关文档 简单介绍 Cas9 Expressing HL-60 Cell LineCas9 Expressing HL-60 Cell Line 的详细介绍 Print Version BioSafety Level II Organism Human SourceOrgan Peripheral Blood Growth Properties Suspension Morphology Epithelial Des...