Teaching and Learning Listening in the English Language Classroom 英语课堂中的听力教学 3、学习技术、设计和领导力理学硕士 MSc in Technology, Design and Leadership for Learning 官网:https://web.edu.hku.hk/programme/tdll 学制:全日制1年 学费:198,...
Sem1的选修课: Language testing and assessment:每周阅读量很大,课堂节奏很快。essay是小组作业(40%)+个人作业(60%)。 Technology in language teaching and learning:探讨技术在语言教学中的应用,essay也是设计一个unit。课程内容很多,每周的阅读设置在某个平台,可以和同学进行讨论,这个过程能学到很多! Language teac...
6034 Gender and Language:了解性别与语言的关系,有趣且富有启发。 6018 Vocabulary Teaching and Learning:通过活动学习词汇,课堂氛围轻松愉快。 7003 Understanding Intercultural Communication:拓宽跨文化交际视野,给分也很友好。 6014 Language Testing and Assessment:体验group work的乐趣,提升评估技能。📝 考核方式一...
2⃣️选修课 2.1 Teaching Writing in a Second Language✏️ ✅ 这门课程实用性强,适合希望深入了解第二语言写作教学的学生。课程采用圆桌讨论形式,学生需小组合作设计10小时的写作课程,并进行微格教学。 2.2 Technology and English Teaching and Learning🧩 ✅ 这门课程较新,与当前教育趋势紧密相关。课...
👉1.进入首页:点击Teaching and learning---Undergraduates admission---Apply now然后会出现下面这个页面 学习A Level、IB、AP课程体系的申请者,可按照国际学生的要求申请,点击International Qualifications。选择这一类申请路径的学生需要递交托福/雅思的语言成绩。
这篇论文发表在语言教育类期刊《Language and Education》上。馮教授和同事分析了香港一项高风险EMI评估中的词汇需求,讨论了如何在EMI中设定明确的语言目标。研究强调,EMI教学应关注学科内容知识和语言能力的整合发展。3. Fung, D. (2022). Students' experience in online teaching and learning: An investigation ...
Science literacy and use of languages in science; Parental involvement; Teaching and learning of ideas about science including nature of science; STEM education, Liberal Studies; Teacher belief, pedagogical content knowledge and classroom teaching. 今天的介绍就到这里啦。有其它想要了解的专业或大学欢迎私信...
【HKU】Use of Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) for video conferencing and collaboration 148 -- 2:14:42 App 【HKU】如何使用图书馆资源 91 -- 1:09:35 App 【HKU】Artificial Intelligence for teaching,learning and assessment 639 -- 2:20 App HKU交换生|上学不会点英语对话真混不下去! 35 -- 1:06...
1【题目】题目新颖的教学平台体裁说明文难度★★建议用时4分钟University of Hong Kong (HKU)set up its Mobile Learning Platform (移动教学平台recently. It will make teaching and learning e The students can go into Mobile Learning on computer. They can ask some questions t 2 the platform anytime an...
研究生课程概览:https://www.med.hku.hk/en/teaching-and-learning/postgraduate/rpg 研究项目:https://www.med.hku.hk/en/teaching-and-learning/postgraduate/rpg/projects 本公众号建有“博士科研与生活交流”群聊若干,有兴趣的用户可加小编个人号 xiaobianss ,或扫以下加友: ...