Psycholinguistics and the Chinese Language Learning Process 心理语言学及中国语文学习过程 The Chinese Language Curriculum and Its School-based Application 中国语文课程与校本课程的应用 2)教育与发展中的比较与全球教育方向(CGSED) Comparative and Global Stud...
The University of Hong Kong香港大学 Master of Education (1-15)GeneralChinese Language Education (CLE)Comparative and Global Studies in Education and Development (CGSED)Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)Curriculum and Pedagogy (CP)Early Childhood Education (ECE)Educational Administration and ...
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Educational Administration and Management (EAM) English Language Education (ELE) Gifted Education and Talent Development (GETD) Higher Education (HE) Psychological Studies in Education (PSE) Science Education (SE) STEM Education Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCS...
Early Childhood Education (ECE) Educational Administration and Management (EAM) English Language Education (ELE) Gifted Education and Talent Development (GETD) Higher Education (HE) Psychological Studies in Education (PSE) Science Education (SE) STEM Education Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCS...
Teaching Chinese as a Second Language(TCSL) Teaching Chinese Language and Literature in International Education(TCLL) Teaching of Science in an International Context(TSIC) Generalist Strand (1)学制:1年 (2)22fall学费:一般为HK$168,000,Teaching Chinese as a Second Language/Teaching of Science in an...
🇭🇰 香港2024Fall录取:香港大学HKU - 教育学硕士 (对外汉语教学TCSL) Master of Education (Teaching Chinese as a Seconid Language) 💗 这是小狮子2024申请季第84封录取🎉 该生是双非院校,应届毕业生。她已经签...
Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese (double degree) 1 香港大學教育學院 文學士及教育學士語文教育( )中文教育- 五年制課程,相等於: 四年制雙學士學位課程 主修中國語言、文學及文化的「文學士學位」 主修中文教育的 「教育學士語文教育( )學位」 + 一年制教育文憑課程 已具...
全球學生閱讀能力進展研究 (PIRLS) 2016 國際報告(香港地區)經已發佈。 中文教育網 香港 增設利用縱橫漢字輸入法搜尋資料服務 微軟Internet Explorer 6.0或 Mozilla FireFox 2.0 以上適用。 Centre for Advancement of Chinese Language Education and Research. . Reviews,
Chinese Language Education (CLE)This specialism provides teachers, language educators and teacher educators with theoretical knowledge and the latest research developments in Chinese linguistics and language education and enhances their pedagogica...