在成绩出来前两三天申请,也能拿到最新的上一个学期的成绩。 毕业后portal就不能用了,需要搜索“HKU Transcript Online Application System for Graduates”来申请。 预约自修室和讨论室 在HKUL里可以自己预约自修室和讨论室。建议大家卡着12点午夜的时候刷新系统,因为系统会在凌晨放出后一天的位置! 半夜的email太多了...
Online Application system: Student Visa (Mainland) Application System + Q6 : I have received a Conditional Admission Offer from HKU. Am I eligible to apply for entry for study even I do not have a Firm Admission Offer? You may apply for entry for study with Conditional Admission Offer. Howe...
内容提示: NETmatch - The online CV building and job application system for HKU students (Posted in 21 September 2007) To: All HKU students, We would like to introduce our employer-candidate matching system – NETmatch. You can easily build your CV online through the system and employers can...
NETmatch-TheonlineCVbuildingandjobapplicationsystemforHKU students(Postedin21September2007) To:AllHKUstudents, Wewouldliketointroduceouremployer-candidatematchingsystem–NETmatch. YoucaneasilybuildyourCVonlinethroughthesystemandemployerscanapproach youdirectlyfortheirrelevantpositions. Whatisitallabout? NETmatchisare...
Sub-degree holders. Route 4: CICPA members or graduates of PRC CPA Uniform Exam. Route 5: Mainland China university degree holders. Route 6: Non-Hong Kong degree holders. Route 1: Recognized accountancy degree holders (programmes accredited by the Institute). Online application for QP registration...
UG Online Admission System Print Submitted Application Form. Applicants must read the instructions carefully before Online Form Fillup. Applicants applying to Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya for the admission in UG courses must read the following instructions carefully and also abide by the rules of admissi...
UG Online Admission System Print Submitted Application Form. Applicants must read the instructions carefully before Online Form Fillup. Applicants applying to Sree Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya for the admission in UG courses must read the following instructions carefully and also abide by the rules of admissi...
Sub-degree holders. Route 4: CICPA members or graduates of PRC CPA Uniform Exam. Route 5: Mainland China university degree holders. Route 6: Non-Hong Kong degree holders. Route 1: Recognized accountancy degree holders (programmes accredited by the Institute). Online application for QP registration...
The dynamic character of this industry creates an opportunity-laden landscape when it comes to advancement and lucrative compensation – making the financial services industry particularly promising for aspiring graduates. However, we also have more students who are open to good con...