Around 5 working days after your payment of application fee and submission of online application form, an email notification will be sent to your email address registered during your online application and you will be guided to login a Taught Postgraduate (TPg) programmes online admission system un...
1. 选学校的时候建议先看一下自己想去的dapartment的faculty member的介绍,尤其是想日后申请graduate school的一定在选课前了解清楚各个老师的background。 2. 自己申请的交换付的是对方学校的学费,请自行了解各个学校的收费要求。 3. 学校所在的城市很重要啊!我来了麻省的感想就是Boston真是个人杰地灵的好地方啊...
Step 1. School Search 米国的牛校们对于这类学生的叫法千奇百怪,比如麻省叫special student,哈佛叫visiting student。为了方便大家查找,我贴了几个大家最可能感兴趣的学校的链接。 MIT: Harvard:
好像广州就是有一些新的交叉学科是独特的, 比如Admission to HKUST Guangzhou Pilot Scheme | HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School ( 很多招生会跳转到总部的网站上.好像是同一个系统的. Program & Course Catalog ( Department of Computer Science and Engineering - HKUST 申请费180港币 硕士...
G30-IBP”,隶属于东京大学工学系研究科生物工程系(Department of Bioengineering, Graduate School of ...
Section II and returns the form directly to the Graduate School, The University of Hong Kong before the application deadline. Alternatively, the referee may return the completed report to you in a signed and sealed envelope, and you can send the unopened envelope to the Graduate School....
Learn more about Master of Science in Business Analytics Postgraduate Program By The University of Hong Kong - HKU Business School including the program fees, scholarships, scores and further course information
(Law) by the HKU Business School, and LLB by the Faculty of Law. The LLB degree is a basic requirement needed to pursue a legal career. After successful completion of the LLB programme, students may apply for admission to the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) programme provided that ...
Should you have any enquiry about application, please email Global Engagement Office at
Francis Crick Institute and MedCity. It is the largest European centre for graduate and post-graduate medical teaching and biomedical research, by number of students, and includes the world's first nursing school, the Fl...