港大HKU Master of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology 申请要求心理学专业背景且为香港心理学会会员资质,申请人需要在本科完成毕业论文以证明自己有相关的研究经验(或者以第一作者的身份发表期刊论文也...
PSYC7317. Capstone project in psychology (6 credits) 申请材料及要求 1. Complete official transcript of undergraduate studies (including studies undertaken in HKU) 2. Graduate certificate of undergraduate studies(Mainland China applicants should provide“學士學位證書”) 3. Complete official transcript of ...
Master of Social Sciences in the field of Behavioral Health Master of Social Sciences in the field of Clinical Psychology Master of Social Sciences in the field of Counselling Master of Social Sciences in the field of Criminology Master of Social Sciences in the field of Educational Psychology Mast...
Choosing between theNational University of Singapore (NUS)and theUniversity of Hong Kong (HKU)is no easy task. Each at the heart of a small and dynamic ‘Asian Tiger’ city-state economy, NUS and HKU are among the very bestuniversities in Asia– and the world. The recently releas...
【Master of Expressive Arts Therapy】 【Master of International and Public Affairs】 【Master of Journalism】 【Master of Public Administration】 【Master of Social Sciences in the field of Behavioral Health】 【Master of Social Sciences in the field of Clinical Psychology】 ...
香港大学Master of Social Work社会工作学硕士Department of Social Work and Social Administration 香港大学PhD in Chinese Medicine其他语言与文学博士School of Chinese Medicine 伦敦大学学院MSc in Cognitive and Decision Sciences心理学决策科学硕士Division of Psychology & Language Sciences ...
MA Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS-Quantitative Methods and Social Analysis) • 曼彻斯特大学社会学硕士 MA Sociology 3. 商科 ● 罗切斯特大学商业分析硕士 Master of Science in Business Analytics 4. 语言学和教育 ● UCL翻译:翻译研究硕士 ...
港大HKU Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology 接受除心理学专业以外其他专业背景的申请人,会优先考虑有一年工作经验的申请人,可能会有笔试或面试要求, 雅思要求:6(5.5)托福要求:80 ...
2.Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning(MATPP) (1)学制:1年 (2)22fall非本地生学费:HK$145,000 (3)本科专业背景要求:不卡专业背景,接受转专业申请 (4)语言成绩要求: 雅思要求:6(5.5) 托福要求:80 (5)官网链接:Master of Arts in Transport Policy and Planning ...
Master of Public Administration公共管理硕士、Master of Social Sciences in Clinical Psychology临床心理学硕士、Master of Social Sciences in Educational Psychology 教育心理学硕士、Master of Social Sciences in the field of Behavioral Health 行为健康硕士、Master of Social Sciences in the field of Corporate ...