测测专业申请成功率 Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology 心理学领域的社会科学硕士 学位类型:Master Degree 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:The University of Hong Kong(香港大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
【OFFER展示】香港教育大学The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) Master of Social Sciences in Psychology (Schools and Community Settings) 【院校介绍】香港教育大学(The Education University of Hong Kong),简称教大(EdUHK),为京港大学联盟、粤港澳高校联盟、东亚教师教育国际联盟成员。 2018年教大...
香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)成立于1937年,位于香港九龙。作为香港顶尖的理工科大学之一,香港理工大学在工程学、商学、设计和旅游管理等领域具有很高的声誉。学校提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,注重学术研究和实践应用结合。校园环境现代,设施齐全,为学生提供了丰富的学习和研究资源。 知名校友 史玉柱...
The University of Hong Kong 学校官网 香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)成立于1911年,是香港历史最悠久、声望最高的学府之一。作为一所世界顶尖的研究型大学,香港大学在医学、法律、商业和人文学科等领域享有很高的国际声誉。学校提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,注重学术研究和社会服务。校园位于港岛,环境优美,设施...
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Offer 相关导师 Whitney S 文书导师 24用户 5评分 11评价数 85%按时率 As an experienced educator at the college level with a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and background in English, I truly enjoy the gift of sharing relevant and constructive feedback...
Since City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) recognized as university status in 1994, it has provided high quality education to the Hong Kong community and meet the needs of our knowledge-based society. It has achieved phenomenal growth from a small institution, housed in temporary premises, to...
Get information on City University of Hong Kong at US News. Find out where the university is ranked globally based on its academic reputation and research.
ABOUT THE HANG SENG UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK) is a non-profit private liberal-arts-oriented university in Hong Kong, offering a wide range of undergraduate and taught postgraduate degree programmes. HSUHK aspires to be a leading non-profit private ...
Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Macquarie University Dr Rosanna Lau Clinical Psychologist, Kwai Chung Hospital, Hospital Authority Dr Jacqueline Wolf Director, Clinical Governance, Central Health Partners - Child Development Team Ms Yvette Kong Olympic Swimmer | Board Member, Mind HK Ms Bhavna Bh...
More programs from the university Bachelor Master MBA PHD Home to an exclusive lineup of multinationals and business giants, Hong Kong is one of the most dynamic and exciting metropolises in the world. Students here can fully enjoy itsgorgeous landscape and fabulous city life.PolyU’s campus is...