法律博士 Juris Doctor 普通法硕士 Master of Common Law 法学硕士 Master of Laws 仲裁与争议解决法法学硕士 Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 中国法法学硕士 Master of Laws in Chinese Law 合规与监管法学硕士 Master of Laws in ...
Master of Laws in Chinese Law Master of Laws in Compliance and Regulation Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law Master of Laws in Human Rights Master of Laws in Medical Ethics and Law Master of Laws in Technology and Intellectual Property Law Postgraduate Certificate in Laws NOTES ON ...
Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 该方向契合近年来越来越热门的涉外仲裁/国际仲裁方向,结合香港国际仲裁中心的独特地位,申请人数逐年上升。 申请截止日期:2/28 学费:164,000港币/年 Master of Laws in Corporate and Finance 该方向专攻金融监管/资本市场/公司法务,...
【Master of Arts in the field of Chinese Language and Literature】 【Master of Arts in the field of Creative Communications】 【Master of Arts in the field of English Studies】 【Master of Arts in the field of Hong Kong History】 【Master of Arts in the field of Linguistics】 【Master of...
2.4 Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (LLM(Arb&DR))学制:1年,学费:HK$ 182,000。要求:法学专业背景,非法学背景者需专业资质+两年相关工作经验。2.5 Master of Laws in Chinese Law (LLM(ChineseLaw))学制:1年,学费:HK$ 161,000。要求:法学专业背景,非法学背景...
Law (PCLL) 法律深造證書課程 Postgraduate Diploma 深造文憑課程 Master o Laws 法律碩士學位課程 Other Master Programmes 其他碩士學位課程 Local LLB Programme 本地法律學學士學位課程 Other Degree Programmes 其他學士學位課程 Career Market 就業市場 香港大學專業進修學院開辦的兼讀制Advanced Diploma ...
Master of Laws (LLM) 仲裁与争议解决 Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (LLMArbDR) 而具体的专业方向又细分为7个不同的领域: Chinese and Comparative Law International Economic Law Common Law Maritime and Transportation ...
这些项目分别是,Master of Common Law、Master of Laws、Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution、Master of Laws in Chinese Law、Master of Laws in Compliance and Regulation、Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law、Master of Laws in Human Rights、Master of Laws in Medical Ethics...