学员一二三学历背景:985法本毕业 GPA: 3.5+ 雅思:7.5 工作:法务 Offer: 香港大学普通法硕士 HKU Master of Common Law / HKU MCL TL:2023.12月初投递 - 2024.1.24推研 - 2024.3.14正式录取 更多offer,欢迎关…
The University of Hong Kong 申请专业:普通法硕士 Master of Common Law 其他录取 香港中文大学 中国商业法学硕士 香港中文大学 普通法学硕士 offer展示 录取专业介绍 ●香港大学 The University of Hong Kong 普通法硕士 Master of Comm...
(5)官网链接:Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (6)22fall offer案例:本科双非,法学,均分89,雅思7.5,2段实习 5.Master of Laws in Chinese Law(LLM(ChineseLaw)) (1)学制:1年 (2)22fall学费:HK$ 161,000 (3)本科专业背景要求:要求法学专业背景,非法学背景的学生如果有专业资质+两年...
2.2 Master of Common Law (MCL)学制:1年,学费:HK$ 161,000。要求:法学专业背景。2.3 Master of Laws (LLM)学制:1年,学费:HK$ 161,000。要求:法学专业背景。2.4 Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (LLM(Arb&DR))学制:1年,学费:HK$ 182,000。要求:法学专...
offer 1 The University of Hong Kong LLM HK:Master of common law offer 2020 Fall 2020-04-10 IELTS offer 2 offer 3 申请学校:The Chinese University of Hong Kong 学位:JD 专业:HK:Juris Doctor(JD)(FT / PT) 申请结果: 入学年份:2020
除了以上八个方向以外,港大还开设了MCL(Master of Common Law)- 普通法硕士,并且针对此项目提供金额不菲的奖学金。 显然,港大的高热门度不是吹出来的。基本上你想学什么方向它都可以满足你,无论是大热门的公司法与知产,还是只有港大独家提供的...
的确,在香港最大的不确定性就是不知道它的common law system能不能继续下去,以及据说NUS的教学质量更好。不可否认的是,NUS各种排名节节上涨,而HKU也算得上是年年下降(世风日下)了。但是对于我来说,和也许对于在看这个帖子的一些学妹们来说,HKU有以下一些好处: A) 项目老,学长学姐多,甚至内地学长学姐也很多...
院校: The University of Hong Kong / 香港大学 专业: Master of Laws 授予学位: LLM 申请难度: 校友评分: 8.0专业简介 The Master of Laws programme at the University of Hong Kong is a highly competitive course for those who already received outstanding results while studying for their first law ...
Describe and give examples of common errors in intuitive judgement and decisions. Recognize and identify these errors in real world situations. Explain psychological theories for these errors and supporting empirical evidence. Discuss and critically evaluate psychological theories of intuitive judgement and ...
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, ...