法律博士 Juris Doctor 普通法硕士 Master of Common Law 法学硕士 Master of Laws 仲裁与争议解决法法学硕士 Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 中国法法学硕士 Master of Laws in Chinese Law 合规与监管法学硕士 Master of Laws in ...
这些项目分别是,Master of Common Law、Master of Laws、Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution、Master of Laws in Chinese Law、Master of Laws in Compliance and Regulation、Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law、Master of Laws in Human Rights、Master of Laws in Medical Ethics ...
The University of Hong Kong 申请专业:普通法硕士 Master of Common Law 其他录取 香港中文大学 中国商业法学硕士 香港中文大学 普通法学硕士 offer展示 录取专业介绍 ●香港大学 The University of Hong Kong 普通法硕士 Master of Comm...
Master of Laws(LLM) 一般称为General,在课程最灵活,招的人整体也多一点,难度比上面四个LLM项目容易一些,但竞争也是属于比较大的 Master of Common Law 由于招生人数是最多的,所以相较容易。但竞争要求实质上是提高了,虽然官网写的分数是6.5,但这个分数可能不行了,大部分都要7 Master of Laws in Human Rights...
2.2 Master of Common Law (MCL)学制:1年,学费:HK$ 161,000。要求:法学专业背景。2.3 Master of Laws (LLM)学制:1年,学费:HK$ 161,000。要求:法学专业背景。2.4 Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (LLM(Arb&DR))学制:1年,学费:HK$ 182,000。要求:法学...
港大提供的方向最为多样:General方向、 仲裁与争议解决、 中国法、 企业金融法、 人权法、 知识产权与科技法、 合规(2016年开设项目)、普通法硕士(Master of Common Law)。 每名港大LLM学生都要修课时间内选够8门课,也可以选择写一篇毕业论文来抵消掉一门课的名额。因为港大开设的专业方向多,作为General LLM学...
23 fall HKU MCL LLM offer 推研 *2!!香港大学(港大)开始发Master of Common Law [MCL]的offer啦 现在hku等港校二轮还有机会,想试着23fall投一下港校和英校的同学可以找我写文书,最近10天内出稿。价格和...
The Master of Laws programme at the University of Hong Kong is a highly competitive course for those who already received outstanding results while studying for their first law degree at top universities throughout the world. Many come to the programme already with exceptional legal experience and ...
Course materials are interesting, but I personally found it a bit hard to understand. The test and assignments were frustrating for me because of that. I do know people who found this course good grade as long as they revised well. Unfortunately, this wasn't the case for me, since I had...
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable to You for damages, ...