支持,mid360单帧点云非常稀疏,需要先用slam算法累积,然后按照readme的步骤来即可 放着不动看着也可以累积,但是点云密了,可以提取平面,却提取不了线条
In order to launch R3LIVE on your own hardware setup, you need to have a carefully calibration of the extrinsic among LiDAR, Camera and IMU. We recommend you using the following repo to kindly calibrate your sensors: livox_camera_calib: A robust, high accuracy extrinsic calibration tool betwee...
Link:https://github.com/hku-mars/loam_livox livox_camera_calib: A robust, high accuracy extrinsic calibration tool between high resolution LiDAR (e.g. Livox) and camera in targetless environment. Link:https://github.com/hku-mars/livox_camera_calib ...
- Loam-livox: A robust LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (LOAM) package for Livox-LiDAR 链接:https://github.com/hku-mars/loam_livox - livox_camera_calib: A robust, high accuracy extrinsic calibration tool between highresolution LiDAR (e.g. Livox) and camera in targetless environment. 链接:https:/...
cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone https://github.com/hku-mars/loam_livox.git cd ../ catkin_make source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash 3. Directly run 3.1 Livox Mid-40 Connect to your PC to Livox LiDAR (Mid-40) by following Livox-ros-driver installation, then (launch our algorithm first...
Livox Lidar+海康Camera实时生成彩色点云 lidar_camera_calib livox_camera_lidar_calibration 我还没解决报错,祝您复现顺利哈 :) Author Noahcuptea commented Mar 9, 2023 按楼上帖子里的链接重新算畸变和内参后解决报错了。 这里提一句,livox_camera_lidar_calibration 里给了5个畸变参数,而pinhole_XX.yaml里只...
Though I've attmpted to use inverted values (ie: values directly calculated from https://github.com/hku-mars/livox_camera_calib). And i've tried to use values which work great in r3live. Author Snowbound9173 commented Sep 22, 2023 I still don't actually have this working. Like xuan...
cd ~/$A_ROS_DIR$/src git clone https://github.com/hku-mars/FAST_LIO.git cd FAST_LIO git submodule update --init cd ../.. catkin_make source devel/setup.bash Remember to source the livox_ros_driver before build (follow 1.3livox_ros_driver) ...
Thanks forHKU MaRS Lab,Fast-LIO2(Fast Direct LiDAR-inertial Odometry) andikd-tree. Thanks forLivox Technologyfor equipment support. 6. Run FAST-LIO2 with LI-Init Results The most important parameters for FAST-LIO are theextrinsic rotation and translation matrix, and thetime offset. ...
Github (★549):https://github.com/hku-mars/livox_camera_calib Category: LiDAR-Camera calibration Relative notes & articles: 【泡泡点云时空】像素精度的高分辨率雷达和相机外参自标定 Fast-lio2: Fast direct lidar-inertial odometry Author: Wei Xu, Yixi Cai, Dongjiao He,Jiarong Lin, Fu Zhang ...