1Faculty of Law 2The University of Hong Kong 3HKU 4Legal 5LLB 6PCLL 7LLM 8SJD 9JUPAS 10 CONTENT Page content here KEYWORDS ON PAGE faculty,programmes,research,knowledge exchange,alumni,prospective students,current students,giving,香港大學法律學院回應香港律師會統一執業試,seminars and conferences,care...
faculty,programmes,research,knowledge exchange,alumni,prospective students,current students,giving,香港大學法律學院回應香港律師會統一執業試,seminars and conferences,careers resource centre,photo gallery,site map,staff area,site by beansbox CONTENT-TYPE utf-8 GOOGLE PREVIEW Faculty of Law, The University of...
Faculty of Education Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Arts Faculty of Social Sciences n law and prominent links with the professional community, our Faculty, as a regional centre of excellence in China and the Asia-Pacific Region, aspires to be a world class law school that meets the highest...
https://fbe.hku.hk Faculty of Business and Economics - HKUSUBDOMAINS exchange.fbe.hku.hk IIS7 www2.fbe.hku.hk Faculty of Business and Economics, The University of Hong Kong Postgraduate and Research Programme. Faculty of Business and Economics. School of Economics and Finance. University Ma...
(Research). Faculty of Business and Economics. Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of Social Sciences. Hong Kong University Press. Admission as a full-time undergraduate. Information for exchange students. Information for visiting students. Admission to HKU summer programmes. Information for ...
A: Subject to being able to complete all compulsory LLB and professional requirements, you would be permitted to apply for a place on either HKU's Worldwide exchange programme or the Faculty of Law's exchange programme, although you may not be permitted to return to the UK on exchange!
Home to ten disciplinary Faculties (Architecture, Arts, Business and Economics, Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, Science, and Social Sciences), HKU is committed to fostering interdisciplinary exchange across diverse subject expertise to address global issu...
As the table above shows, these two top universities in Asia are fairly closely matched in each of the areas assessed. While NUS boasts a slightly stronger reputation among both academics and employers, HKU is not too far behind. Both rank respectably for faculty/student ratio – the ...
● Student who receives an offer from the Faculty/Department should accept the offer through the respective Faculty/Department. How to Accept the Exchange Offer Step 1-Pay HK$ 2,000 Deposit 1.Follow Deposit Payment Instructions to pay the HK$ 2, 000 deposit ...
英国的反贿赂法案UKBriberyAct-HKUFacultyofLaw 記錄: Brian Leung 聯合午間講座 國際反貪污法例的發展:英國的反賄賂法案 (UK Bribery Act), 美國的反海 外腐敗法 (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) 和其他國家的法律/ 國際公共組織是否擁有絕對豁免權? 日期: 2015 年5 月14 日 (星期四) 時間: 12:30 -14...