公司与金融法法学硕士 Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law 人权法学硕士 Master of Laws in Human Rights 技术与知识产权法法学硕士 Master of Laws in Technology and Intellectual Property Law 我们近期港大推研的项目主要是Master of Common La...
Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law Master of Compliance and Regulation Master of Laws in Technology and Intellectual Property Law 这四个项目,建议有相关背景的同学积极申请,会增加申请优势,但即便相关背景没有那么强,其实也可以大胆去尝试;虽然...
Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law Master of Laws in Human Rights Master of Laws in Medical Ethics and Law Master of Laws in Technology and Intellectual Property Law Postgraduate Certificate in Laws NOTES ON SUBMISSION OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Master of Science in...
港大开设的LLM项目方向也特别多,一共有八个方向!它们分别是: *截图来源:HKU Law 1)General LLM 2)仲裁与争议解决 Master of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution 3)公司金融法 Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law 4)中国法...
2.7 Master of Laws in Corporate and Financial Law (LLM(CFL))学制:1年,学费:HK$ 182,000。要求:法学专业背景,非法学背景者需专业资质+三年相关工作经验。2.8 Master of Laws in Human Rights (LLM(HR))学制:1年,学费:HK$ 171,000。要求:法学专业背景,非法学背景者需专业资质+...
HKU Business School and Deloitte China announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) to strengthen their academic and corporate collaborations, with the aim to nurture future generations for growing business opportunities in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. ...
We are delighted to announce that Corporate Commercial Partner Pádraig Walsh will be speaking at The University of Hong Kong’s Asian Institute of International Financial Law (AIIFL) on Friday 21 September. The topic of the talk will be Blockchain and Financial Institutions – Pandora’s B...
Community College. HKU SPACE Po Leung Kuk Stanley Ho Community College. Architecture, Environment and Housing. Construction, Safety and Built Environment. Heritage Conservation and Management. Arts, Design and Culture. Accounting and Corporate Governance. Hospitality, Tourism and Events. Life and Health ...
Corporate finance and asset valuation Investment analysis and portfolio management Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Regulation of financial markets 【高级核心课程】 Derivative securities Mathematical techniques in finance Advanced financial programming and databases ...
relevant rules. Our audit reports not only evaluate the financial information but also consider potential risks of the enterprise in operation. Furthermore, we provide specific audit reports and operation results evaluation based on the financial statements and accounting records of our corporate clients...