本篇文章统计了香港大学(HKU)文学院(Faculty of Arts)各硕士项目历年内地录取的数据,以供未来申请者进行定位。 本文数据来源于网上公开消息和本人所带学生,所有数据都经过本人手工整理,力求真实性和准确性。 本文从本科出身、雅思托福成绩、GPA、工作经验四个维度统计了港大文学院21fall及以前的录取的内地学生。 同时...
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Arts Faculty of Social Sciences n law and prominent links with the professional community, our Faculty, as a regional centre of excellence in China and the Asia-Pacific Region, aspires to be a world class law school that meets the highest standards of interna...
教授现任香港大学人文学院(Faculty of Arts)哲学学院(School of Humanities)副教授,同时担任人文学院副院长。教授拥有丰富的学术背景,她于2005年在多伦多大学获得数学和哲学双学士学位,2008年在阿姆斯特丹大学获得逻辑和数学硕士学位,并于2013年在圣安德鲁斯大学和奥斯陆大学联合培养项目中获得哲学博士学位。这样多元化的教育...
Faculty of Arts 1Professor/Associate Professor on tenure terms or Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Creative IndustriesApply now Ref.: 531061Work type: Full-time Department: Faculty of Arts (04000)Categories: Professoriate StaffApplications are invited from scholars whose research and training is in ...
Eager to explore HKU's interdisciplinary curricula in Technology and Arts? Join our exclusive program - HKU Taster: Harness the Power of Technology with Heart and Mind!This 6-Day workshop features intensive Al and creativity topic-oriented courses offered by the HKU Faculty of Arts, as well as...
教育: 大專 大學: 香港大學: 港大學院學系: 港大文學院 Education Tertiary_Schools HKU Departments Faculty_of_Arts
A record of building academic excellence as a proven academic leader at the department/ division/ faculty/ school/ college, or university level; A distinguished record of academic achievements; Ability to undertake strategic planning and resource management, including ...
A record of building academic excellence as a proven academic leader at the department/ division/ faculty/ school/ college, or university level; A distinguished record of academic achievements; Ability to undertake strategic planning and resource management, including ...
TheUniversityofHongKong ClassMaker CONTENT IntroductionShield&MottoBuildingsFacultiesFacilitiesCelebritiesContactThem HKU2010 Introduction HKU2010 Shield&Motto MottoinLatin MAP MainBuilding EliotHall&MayHall UniversityHall DuchessofKentHall HKU2010 Faculties FacultyofArchitectureFacultyofArtsFacultyofBusinessandEconomics...
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese (double degree) 1 香港大學教育學院 文學士及教育學士語文教育( )中文教育- 五年制課程,相等於: 四年制雙學士學位課程 主修中國語言、文學及文化的「文學士學位」 主修中文教育的 「教育學士語文教育( )學位」 + ...