Faculty of Arts In The University of Hong KongSummer institute in the Arts 8i Humanities,- f'... " I '-Credit-bearing Courses httpu'larts.hku.hltisun1merlnstltutelCHIN1501 Chinese as a Foreign Language I [Part I} {5 credits}Become familiar with the phonetic structures of F'utonghua. ...
The University of Hong Kong 学校官网 香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)成立于1911年,是香港历史最悠久、声望最高的学府之一。作为一所世界顶尖的研究型大学,香港大学在医学、法律、商业和人文学科等领域享有很高的国际声誉。学校提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,注重学术研究和社会服务。校园位于港岛,环境优美,设施...
Master of Arts in the field of English Studies 英语研究;入学要求:一般要求及名校本科学位,入学面试;申请截止日期:12月6日/3月28日,学费238,000港币 Master of Arts in the field of Hong Kong History 香港史学制1年;入学要求:一般要求及名校本科学位,入学面试;申请截止日期:5月15日,学费230,000港币 Mast...
中国香港教育大学(The Hong Kong Institute of Education),简称教大(HKIEd),是目前中国香港现有8所大学中唯一的师范大学,奠基于五所前师范教育院校的六十五年承传,是大学教育资助委员会资助的八大高等院校中唯一专注师资培训及专业发展的院校。 作为全港最大的师训机构,学校一直以“教育为本、超越教育”为指引,致力师...
Tuition Fee (Out of State) - International Students Tuition Fee/year 19,000 USD Other Expenses - Rankings & ratings RANKINGS The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is one of the top public universities in Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR. It is ranked #36 in QS World University Ranking...
The University of Hong Kong 学校官网 香港大学(The University of Hong Kong)成立于1911年,是香港历史最悠久、声望最高的学府之一。作为一所世界顶尖的研究型大学,香港大学在医学、法律、商业和人文学科等领域享有很高的国际声誉。学校提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,注重学术研究和社会服务。校园位于港岛,环境优美,设施...
the University originally emulated the University of Manchester in emphasising the sciences over the humanities. It opened with only a Faculty of Medicine, which had evolved from the Hong Kong College of Medicine. However, within a year the Faculties of Engineering and Arts (which then did not ...
Faculty Credentials and Training score 97 Services and Technologies rank 232 Services and Technologies score 61 Engagement rank 2 Engagement score 97 Student Excellence rank 40 Student Excellence score 83 Peer Assessment score (out of 5) 3.6 Other rankings at this school: Colleges, Grad Schools, ...
Find the latest world rank for University of Hong Kong and key information for prospective students..
(Redirected from The Chinese University of Hong Kong) The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 校训 博文約禮 (Classical Chinese) 英语校训 To broaden one's intellectual horizon and keep within the bounds of propriety 建立于 1963 类型 Public Chancellor Sir Donald Tsang Vice-Chancellor Lawrenc...