Writing sample 800-1000字 Choose ONE of the following options: 1. Tell us about a time that challenged your pre-existing worldview. 2. Share a quote that defines you and explain why. 3. Why have you chosen the MAES Programme at HKU? What do you hope to gain? What will you bring to...
Master of Arts in the field of English Studies申请背景要求:雅思要求7(5.5)需要额外800-1000字writing sampleOffer案例:1.厦门985 英语语言文学85,雅思72.武汉211 英语85.23,雅思73.武汉985 英语87.42,雅思7.54.双非 英语88,雅思7.55.双非 英语文化88.7,雅思76.武汉985 英语89,雅思87.湖南211 英语89.6,...
申请需要提供writing sample, 有面试要求 (3)语言成绩要求: 雅思要求:7(5.5) 托福要求:总分80,写作25 (4)官网链接:Master of Arts in the field of English Studies (5)23FALL offer案例: 本科末流985 91 英语专业 本科211 GPA4.1/5 均分91 雅7.5,tl:1.30提交-2.1推荐信齐-2.13面邀-2.15面试-2.17 prel...
2、不要害怕写Writing Sample,WS字数不多实际真的下笔写的话并不难,不要因为怕写WS而放弃申要求交writing sample的项目、不要放弃任何有可能的机会。如果身边没有英语母语的朋友,可以在Fiverr上找评价靠谱的native speaker修改,很多都比国内市面上的所谓外教修改实惠且细致专业得多。我上个申请季就是因为不想写wri...
It is helpful to look at some sample products, i.e. theses in your fi eld, before writing your proposal because at the end of the day, the fi nal product of your thesis proposal is the thesis. You need to know what it roughly looks like before you can propose what to do ...