Master of Arts in the field of Literary and Cultural Studies(MALCS)一年制的硕士项目,研究的是现代化和全球化背景下的历史及当代议题,课程覆盖文学及电影文本。The degree of Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies (MALCS) is a postgraduate degree offered by the Department of Comparative Literat...
密歇根大学PhD in English Language and Literature英语言与文学汉语言与文学其他语言与文学博士Department of English 香港大学和密歇根大学简介 香港大学 香港大学,简称港大(英语:The University of Hong Kong,缩写 HKU),在1910年于香港岛龙虎山薄扶林道开始建立并在1912年正式办学,是香港第一所大学,其创校学院医学院...
简称“G30-IBP”,隶属于东京大学工学系研究科生物工程系(Department of Bioengineering, Graduate School...
I have served as vice-minister of propaganda department of students’ union for a year. This precious experience enhances my ability of organization and social contacts,and makes me handle the balance between work and study well. What’s more, I have expansive interests such as painting, ...
华威大学(The University of Warwick,又译:沃里克大学或沃芮克大学) 位于英国英格兰中部华威郡的一所顶尖大学,向来以其高水平的学术研究和师生互动教学而闻名。学校创立于1965年,现有22,000余名在校生及近5,000名教职人员,包括来自120多个国家和地区的6000余名海外 ...
a公共部门私有化使政府规模和活动范围大大减小,也改变了政府在国家经济活动中的形象,用撒切尔夫人自己的话来说,保守党内阁拒绝集权式管理、官僚主义和干预者风格的政府形象,政府不必告诉人们应该做什么和怎样做, The public department privatization causes the government scale and the sphere of action reduces greatly...
Additionally, various training programs are organized by various agencies under the various schemes run by the agriculture department the details of which can be found at the department’s website. In recent years, Information & Communication Technology (ICT) has begun to be actively used in ...
Dr. Ying Zhou, is currently assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong (HKU)’s Department of Architecture. Her research interest on the relationship of contemporary urban developments and the growth of cultural industries and new economies in East Asian cities, global linkages and architectu...
香港理工大学位于中国香港特别行政区,QS 最新排名世界 66 位。计算机系(Department of Computing)QS 学科排名 51-100,USNews 学科排名 36, 有众多 IEEE Fellow 及知名学者。 Dr. Shi 课题组 石杰明博士,助理教授。本科毕业于南京大学计算机系,博士毕业于香港大学计算机系,曾在新加坡国立大学计算机系从事博士后研...
Tutors and teachers may participate in the discussion as well. You can choose your own display name in the app. More functions are coming up soon. Stay tuned. HKU ChemApp is co-developed by the Department of Chemistry and Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative of HKU and is funded by the ...