Master of Arts in the field of Literary and Cultural Studies(MALCS)一年制的硕士项目,研究的是现代化和全球化背景下的历史及当代议题,课程覆盖文学及电影文本。The degree of Master of Arts in Literary and Cultural Studies (MALCS) is a postgraduate degree offered by the Department of Comparative Literat...
声明信(Letter of Declaration):官方提供,签字即可 英语成绩(English Language Proficiency):三种方式...
香港大学 MA in Applied Linguistics 英语言与文学其他语言与文学 硕士 Centre for Applied English Studies 香港大学 PhD in Chinese Medicine 其他语言与文学 博士 School of Chinese Medicine 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 MA in Portuguese, Brazilian Studies Concentration 其他语言与文学 硕士 Department of Spanish ...
Department of Science and Technology [南非]科学技术部 GCSE General Certificate of Secondary Education 普通中等教育证书 GDP Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值 GNP Gross National Product 国民生产总值 GPA Grade Point Average 平均积分点 IEA International Association for the Evaluation of Educational ...
奥克兰大学(英文:The University of Auckland)是一所位于新西兰最大城市奥克兰市的大学。 奥克兰大学是一所研究型大学,也是新西兰最具影响力的大学。它的研究成果和研究工作占全国70%以上,于20世纪末发展迅速,一跃成为世界著名大学,在校的博士生超过3000人(2006)。
香港大学Master of Social Work社会工作学硕士Department of Social Work and Social Administration 香港大学PhD in Chinese Medicine其他语言与文学博士School of Chinese Medicine 爱丁堡大学MSc in Infectious Diseases公共卫生与预防医学硕士 爱丁堡大学PhD in Linguistics & English Language其他语言与文学英语言与文学博士...
香港大学Master of Social Work社会工作学硕士Department of Social Work and Social Administration 香港大学PhD in Chinese Medicine其他语言与文学博士School of Chinese Medicine 纽约大学MA in Religious Studies宗教学硕士 纽约大学Doctor of Social Work社会工作学博士Ehrenkranz Center ...
More functions are coming up soon. Stay tuned. HKU ChemApp is co-developed by the Department of Chemistry and Technology-Enriched Learning Initiative of HKU and is funded by the HKU Teaching Development Grant. What’s New 15 Jun 2023
a公共部门私有化使政府规模和活动范围大大减小,也改变了政府在国家经济活动中的形象,用撒切尔夫人自己的话来说,保守党内阁拒绝集权式管理、官僚主义和干预者风格的政府形象,政府不必告诉人们应该做什么和怎样做, The public department privatization causes the government scale and the sphere of action reduces greatly...
In the Report of the Working Group on Mediation (issued by Department of Justice in February 2010), it has provided an overview of development and applications of mediation in different aspects of disputes. Victim-offender mediation (VOM) was piloted as early as 1999 for the mediation in school...