HKL-3000R users should contact Rigaku for information about the latest version available to them. Reference to HKL-3000InstallationHardware & OS HKL-3000 interacts with many widely used programs such as CCP4, SOLVE, RESOLVE, MLPHARE, SHELXD and SHELXE, ARP/wARP, DM, MOLREP, REFMAC, and Mol...
Welcome to HKL Research’s “Introduction To Structure Solution Using HKL-3000”. This video focuses on structure solution using single-wavelength anomalous, or SAD, diffraction data. The raw data for today’s tutorial is available at at
摘要: HKL-3000 integrates data collection, data reduction, phasing, and model building to significantly accelerate the process of structure determination, and on average, minimize the number of data sets and crystals required for structure solution. Execution of the package 年份: 1970 收藏...
HKL-3000sm, or HKL-3000, provided you have a license for it and the appropriate license key. HKL-3000sm includes additional features for small molecules. Click “Continue” to view the version-specific license agreement. You must accept the license conditions to proceed. ...
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